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I've been busy, but had nothing new to show off. Hence my absence from the forum of late. Only recently have I found a few things to save me from the crushing boredom of MSD production work.

Here are some recent shots of production work, SOS I'm afraid:

Hurray! I just got working drawings from Richard O'Malley on a 1/96 USS NAUTILUS we're collaborating on. Finally! Some model building to break shop boredom! He's doing the hull master, I'm doing the fiddley stuff. We'll reduce our work to proper tools and from there will produce r/c submarines for ourselves.

My model building pal, Kevin Rimrodt, is putting the finishing touches on his backyard 'shed' that will be his production facility for the kits he's going to produce starting early next year. Stay tuned, more GRP ship and submarine hulls soon to be available!


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