Merkava Tank Developments

Some more detail in below if you translate. Seems to be Mk 2 or 3 variants:

I can't imagine which European country would be getting Merkava. Maybe one of the Baltic states, which, like Israel, have almost no strategic depth.
Wouldn't the Baltic states have issues with bridges etc with the Merkava?
I don't think so. Considering these are second-hand Merks, even the heaviest Mk IIID 'Dor-Dalet' with LIC kit can barely reach 65 tonnes at maximum combat load. That is similar to other main battle tanks.
Speaking of developments, one rarely spoken about is the Ofek derivative based on a Merkava Mk.2/Mk.3 hulls. While some refer to it as a APC, I tend to go with the command and control APC theory that I have also seen mentioned:




I think the idea that the Ofek started out as a heavy APC but was eventually adopted mainly as a dedicated command and control vehicle is most likely. Early images lack the plethora of antennas on the newer versions.
I can't imagine which European country would be getting Merkava. Maybe one of the Baltic states, which, like Israel, have almost no strategic depth.
My guess would be Cyprus. The rocky terrain of the island is very similar to the Golan heights for which the Merkava was originally designed. The swampy and heavily forested Baltic states would be less than ideal for the Merkava. So, I would guess Cyprus is about to donate its T-80U/UK and maybe some of its BMP-3s to Ukraine in exchange for Merkavas.
Turkey not going to be happy. Terrain wise, Merkava suit well in Cyprus.
More reporting:

I don't know if the various news medias are recycling Mk4 pics, but it seems so far, its hard to visually distinguish the Mk4 and Mk5 at first glance?
Can someone remind me Merkava based BMPT-style vehicle from 1980s concepts pictures published in a magazine of that time? It had low profile turret with auto cannon instead of normal turret.
Can someone remind me Merkava based BMPT-style vehicle from 1980s concepts pictures published in a magazine of that time? It had low profile turret with auto cannon instead of normal turret.

Sounds a bit like the later Namer RCWS-30 ...
The Merkava is cool tank. If we consider only Western tanks, then the Merkava MK.4, AMX-56 Leclerc and Abrams M1A2 SEP V4 are among the top three.
The Merkava is cool tank. If we consider only Western tanks, then the Merkava MK.4, AMX-56 Leclerc and Abrams M1A2 SEP V4 are among the top three.

With your assessment being based upon what criterion/criteria?
I have to smile, for all the bullshit the Western media and defence analysts gave the Russians for their improvised instalment of 'Cope Cages' on their armoured vehicles, as a countermeasure to drone attack, they've become very popular all of a sudden, even by the vaunted IDF.
I guess the analogy of KISS still stands and let's face it, it's something never lost on the Russian military.


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