Merger requests of several threads/posts


ACCESS: Top Secret
8 May 2017
Reaction score
Good Evening moderators,

I'd normally write these kinds of requests on their dedicated threads, but I've figured that now's a good chance to ask for merging several duplicate threads I've seen until now. I use SPF not just for discussing topics but also as an internet archive of a sort, and it has helped me immensely on several occasions. For that reason, I'd like to ask you to consider merging following threads and posts for the sake of organization and ease of search.

SoKor ballistic missile threads. I've found 4 separate threads which I think could be merged:

ROKN light carrier threads:

SoKor space development threads:

BAe proposals for KTX-II in early stages:

NK SAM threads:

NK space development threads:

Japanese spaceflight related threads:

Japanese space plane/space shuttle threads:

FS-X/F-2 thread (I figure that the F-2 super Kai thread could remain on its own since it's on the secret projects section):

Japanese F-X future fighter program threads:

Izumo/22DDH class multi-purpose destroyer thread:

Mogami/DEX/30FFM class frigate threads:

Japanese long-range strike capabilities related threads (I think it could be divided into Japanese ballistic/hypersonic missiles thread and Japanese long-range cruise missiles thread): (post #154 to 159 and #161 to 168)

Thanks in advance. I'd also like to suggest pinning a thread (could be this or a mod generated thread, doesn't matter) for merge requests for duplicate threads and scattered posts.

Regards, Kyo
I'd like to request once more to merge the duplicate Japanese missile related threads. These are:

above threads are about Japanese hypersonic missiles, both the air-breathing and glide vehicles. (post #154 to 159 and #161 to 168)

these threads and posts are those concerning Japanese long-range cruise missiles.

this is a general thread about Japanese missiles but has been dedicated to 3 topics; ASM-3 supersonic air-launched anti-ship missile (posts #1 to 6, #17 and #20 to 28), TACOM experimental air-launched UAV (posts #7 to 16 and #18 to 19) and Japanese anti-air missiles (posts #29 to 31).

I'd like to suggest two options to merge these threads.

1) create a general thread called "Japanese long-range strike capabilities" or "Japanese Island Defense missiles". I suggest this based on the reason, that every one of those missiles stem from the new Japanese doctrines and are all named with a prefix "島嶼防衛用" which means "for Island Defense". I would add ASM-3 related posts from into this new general thread as well.

2) create two threads, one being "Japanese hypersonic missiles" thread and the other being "Japanese cruise missiles" thread, akin to Current US hypersonic weapons projects. (General) thread in Aviation & Space section. The ASM-3 related posts from thread could be added to the "Japanese Cruise Missiles" thread in this option.

In both options, we could create a "Japanese UAVs" thread where we could move the TACOM related posts. The anti-aircraft missiles related posts from the thread could be merged with into a new "Japanese anti-air missiles" thread.
on a related note, for the Aerospace section, I've been trying to merge many threads together to consolidate everything.
the ultimate goal is to create a pinned thread index so people can find threads easily.

I am going at my own pace as there are a ton of threads in this site's long history
and there's also the ongoing problem that people simply refuse to search, and start new threads on existing things
or people who want their own exclusive thread (i.e. i know theres an F-16 thread, but I demand a separate F-16 thread for this specific update).
There are now the threads "Japanese Cruise Missiles"
and "Japanese Hypersonic Missiles"

If you want posts in another thread, please tell me via PM
Thanks Jemiba. Guess I'm the most bothersome forum member of all now. Anyways, yes, I will PM if there's something needed regarding mergers for those threads.

Nah, not so bothersome. You are asking for a useful thing, and the moderators do it because it makes sense.
Also, @Grey Havoc I'd like to ask your thoughts about creating a "Japanese UAVs" thread, since you are the one who created two of the four threads concerning Japanese drones in the forum. As it stands, those threads are very short and fragmented imo, since Japanese domestic drone projects are very rare and far in between. Apart from those projects which are mentioned in those 4 threads, there are only two other Japanese military UAV projects in existence that I know of. Add to that the difficulty of obtaining information regarding those projects.

I think it will be generally advantageous to have a more general "Japanese UAVs" thread. What do you and other forum members think?

TACOM UAV (posts #7 to 16 and #18 to 19) (posts # 17 and # 41)

Similarly, what do fellow members of the forum think about creating a "Japanese experimental aircrafts" thread? There are a few Japanese experimental aircraft that doesn't fit in any of the existing threads (eg: NAL Asuka), and from those aircraft, most of them would have a very short dedicated threads (eg: VTOL-FTB). Then again, I also have a contradicting feeling that aircraft like Asuka deserve their own thread and therefore would like to ask what other forum members think of the matter.
Thread name was 'JGSDF Type 23 (provisional designation) Surface to Surface Missile'. You had requested that some of the posts from it
be merged into a long range cruise missile thread as seen below:
But something seems to have gone arwy.

Wayback link below:
Thread name was 'JGSDF Type 23 (provisional designation) Surface to Surface Missile'. You had requested that some of the posts from it
be merged into a long range cruise missile thread as seen below:
But something seems to have gone arwy.

Wayback link below:
Ah yes, I've also figured that some posts went missing, or rather vanished into thin air for some reason, though wasn't able to really point out which.
A glitch with the new forum software, most likely.

With regards as to your UAV thread suggestion, the projects in question range from Cold War projects, to long shelved 'war on terror' projects, to currently active programs, so I don't think they would be a good fit together in a single thread, not to mention that there would likely be an issue on which forum the new thread would go into.
A glitch with the new forum software, most likely.

With regards as to your UAV thread suggestion, the projects in question range from Cold War projects, to long shelved 'war on terror' projects, to currently active programs, so I don't think they would be a good fit together in a single thread, not to mention that there would likely be an issue on which forum the new thread would go into.
Fair enough. Well if there existed a general thread, I'd say it'll go to secret projects section since most of them were unbuilt or weren't introduced. Now I wonder if I should make a new thread for Yamaha-NG R-BAT, one of the few existing Japanese military UAS, kinda.

Nope, a glitch with the moderator. The posts are in the linked topic by mistake and can be moved elsewhere. The software only did what it was told.
Now that you mention, I do see some out-of-place posts in the P-X thread. Gotta ask Jemiba to move those as well.
There's this very general thread about various Japanese aircraft projects , which I would very much like to get it sorted. It seems like this thread was also created to sort out the mess and move some posts but now it is obsolete.

The thread consists of:

1) FS-X program (post #1)
FI-X studies (precursor to F-X program) (post #28)
A French document about Japanese aviation programs (posts #3 and 4)
Shinmaywa SS-X program (or the Water Based Regional Air Transportation System) (posts #5, 11 and 23)
MT-X program (posts #6~8 and 42)
P-X program (P-1) (post #12)
F-15J改 (posts #13~16 and 20)
Shinmaywa US-2 (post #18)
NE-2 turbojet engine (posts #19 and 21)
NAL Asuka (posts #26 and 43~45)
YX airliner (posts #29 and 30)
YS-33 (post #31)
Fuji supersonic strike fighter (probably Fuji's version of FS-T2 based on their T-X proposal) (posts #32 and 36~38)
JASDF two-seat heavy interceptor procurement (later F-4) (post #33)
Mitsubishi MU-2 (posts #34 and 35)
fan-made f-15 stealth variant (posts #39 and 40)
B-4 target recce drone (post #41)

corresponding threads for the topic are:

3) doesn't exist. Could go to Found on the Internet section
4) (I think the thread should be renamed to Shinmaywa SS-X/WBRATS)
8) doesn't exist. We should create a Shinmaywa US-2 thread. Maybe a US-1 thread as well. There are several US-1 and -2 related posts scattered around. Will write about it later
10) doesn't exist. Like I've suggested, we should create NAL Asuka thread or Japanese x-planes thread
15) The thread is called "Early Model of Mitsubishi MU-2" but since it's on aviation and space section and also we don't have a general MU-2 thread, I think we could rename the thread as "Mitsubishi MU-2" and use it as a general MU-2 related thread
16) 17) doesn't exist. Honestly, I'm not sure of what to do with this post.

On the side note, I am really impressed by how there are threads for almost every single one of these topics in SPF.
@Grey Havoc is this what you were talking about? (posts #101~112)

Though I don't really recall those posts in the Type 23 thread, to be frank. Anyways, those posts should be moved to as well.

Other than that, (Posts #9~11)
should be moved to
Though I don't really recall those posts in the Type 23 thread, to be frank. Anyways, those posts should be moved to as well.
Given that they refer to an IRBM project rather than a cruise missile project, it would probably be best to restore the original thread instead.

And as a last request for today, the FS-X thread ( contains some FI-X related posts, which are better suited for the pre-GCAP F-X thread (

These are posts #4~6, 9 and 48.
Might be better to copy over the posts instead in order to maintain thread consistency, IMHO. The same approach would also work with your other request below.

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Given that they refer to an IRBM project rather than a cruise missile project, it would probably be best to restore the original thread instead.
Based on the description about the missile and its range mentioned (300km), it seems to be that the missile described by the articles is primarily the Type 17. FT got it wrong by describing it as a tactical ballistic missile. Also the Japanese ballistic MaRV missile has its place in the "Japanese hypersonic missiles" thread, since it is part of the HVGVID program. Other than HVGVID block 1, there ain't no ballistic missile program in Japan, at least none that is public. Also, I don't see the reason to restore the original thread since Type 23 (well, its not the actual name but how they called it in that thread) indeed is a cruise missile.

Might be better to copy over the posts instead in order to maintain thread consistency, IMHO. The same approach would also work with your other request below.
I've read through the posts on that partricular thread and those posts which I've mentioned all stick out, since it was not related to the FS-X. There wouldn't be any problem in understanding the rest of the conversation on the thread even without those posts. For the same reason I didn't mention post #2 although it also contained FI-X related info. My other request is about ATD-X related posts which were wrongly moved to P-X/C-X thread. Again, they don't need to be copied but could be simply moved to the right thread, since they didn't belong there in the first place.

Probably would be better to leave them separate, methinks.
They are both space shuttle/space planes so I see no reason not to merge them with the "Japanese Shuttle, Space Plane & other projects" thread. Besides, there are already posts about these space planes in that particular thread, which means even less reason to have separate threads when they are 3 posts and 5 posts long.
on a related note, when I get around to making a thread index for Aerospace section..
how do you all think the list should be ordered

1. Purely by aircraft designation
A-10, F-14, F-15, F-16, MiG-29, Mirage-2000, Rafale, etc

2. By country of manufacturer's origin, then aircraft designation?
France: Mirage 3, Mirage 5, Mirage 2000, etc
Japan: F-1, F-2, etc
US: F-14, F-16, etc
Multiple: Eurofighter, Tiger, etc?

3. By current manufacturer name, then aircraft designation? (there may be issues with changing ownership)
Boeing (also formerly McDonnel Douglas): C-17, F-15, F-18, etc
Mikoyan Gurevich: MiG-29, MiG-31, etc

4. other?
on a related note, when I get around to making a thread index for Aerospace section..
how do you all think the list should be ordered

1. Purely by aircraft designation
A-10, F-14, F-15, F-16, MiG-29, Mirage-2000, Rafale, etc

2. By country of manufacturer's origin, then aircraft designation?
France: Mirage 3, Mirage 5, Mirage 2000, etc
Japan: F-1, F-2, etc
US: F-14, F-16, etc
Multiple: Eurofighter, Tiger, etc?

3. By current manufacturer name, then aircraft designation? (there may be issues with changing ownership)
Boeing (also formerly McDonnel Douglas): C-17, F-15, F-18, etc
Mikoyan Gurevich: MiG-29, MiG-31, etc

4. other?
I'd say by manufacturer, since that has been the go-to taxonomy for many literatures and lists. It is imo especially useful when organizing projects from countries like the US where there have been a lot of different manufacturers and design lineages. As for the issue with changing ownership, I don't think we'll see much significant mergers for years to come since major aviation industries are all consolodated to the point where further consolidation might even trigger anti-trust issues.
Not exactly a merger request this time but a suggestion, can we rename the Japanese T-4 trainer project proposals thread into "Japanese MT-X programme and proposals" and relocate som other relevant posts on other threads?

For instance post #8 and onwards on RAAF Kawasaki T-4s thread (the original poster, Blackkite asked for such but that slipped mods' attention, due to which he created the T-4 thread in the first place), posts #6, 7, 8, 9 on Japanese Projects thread as well as posts #42, 47 and 48.

I'm asking this since I want to post something regarding the T-4.

Also, if possible, I'd like to get rid of the "Japanese Projects" thread all together since people seem to post random stuff on that thread every now and then when they can't find a corresponding thread. I've already summed up where should go what above on post #24. As @overscan (PaulMM) advised, general threads are not helpful. If none of the mods would want to do it, maybe you could give me temporary permission to move posts, and only that, if that works.

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