Me 210 "Abfangautomat" pullout device


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25 October 2007
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Does anyone know what kind of automatic pullout device from dive bombing was being developed/tested with the Me 210 between 1940 and 1941? Was it original or taken from the Ju 87/88?
Does anyone know what kind of automatic pullout device from dive bombing was being developed/tested with the Me 210 between 1940 and 1941? Was it original or taken from the Ju 87/88?

Wikipedia says it had the Stuvi (Sturzvisier) 5 A, like the Me410. While I do not know for sure, I'd assume it was a standard item. A bitof googling reveals:

Best I can do for now.
I believe Melitta Schenk Gräfin von Staufenberg tested extensivelly this device while working for Askania. The bombsight and the bomb release system was just a part of the complex, dealing mostly with the aircrafts braking and elevator control surfaces. See here a proposed Askania Stuvi:

Askania might be the manufacturer of most of the system as they were also making a most interesting "Kurvenkampfautomatik", tested in a Me 210 in June 1941. I wonder how a dogfight automatic device would work.

The "Abfangautomatik" used on the Ju 87 and Ju 88 was, in 1941, old stuff. This should be a newer iteration. Meanwhile, also the Ju 188, Do 217 and the He 177 used it, coupled with the BZA bombsight.

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