McDonnell Douglas Phantom RF-4C(H)


I really should change my personal text
22 September 2011
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I have seen in the Wikipedia page treating Operation Shed Light a reference to a version of the Phantom designated RF-4C(H). Text from page:
The need for specialized aircraft was further exposed by the fact that only three aircraft at all suitable for the hunter role were available to the US military in southeast Asia as of 1966. These included the Army's OV-1B Mohawk, and the USAF's RF-4C Phantom II and RB-57E Canberra aircraft.[32] There were only two RB-57E aircraft in country at the time, under a special reconnaissance project codenamed Patricia Lynn, and the aircraft were essentially experimental. They also featured Reconofax VI FLIR units, which was an older technology than those being developed under Shed Light. The RF-4C had the benefit of being of a similar capability to strike aircraft at the time, and a modified hunter version, given a designation RF-4C(H) was to be developed, replacing the camera equipment with LLLTV, FLIR, and Side-Looking Radar (SLAR) units.
Anyone can shed some light and post pictures of this proposed version?
I've not seen anything on this in the McDonnell material we have at the Museum. Interesting, hope something comes to light.

Enjoy the Day! Mark

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