MBDA CVS 401 Perseus


Donald McKelvy
Senior Member
14 August 2009
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MDBA press release:

MBDA Unveils CVS 401 Perseus Concept Missile System for 2030
News >> Missiles & Munitions >> Announcements
Released on Tuesday, June 21, 2011

MBDA today unveils the output of the Concept Visions process for 2011; CVS 401 Perseus concept missile system, which represents the group's vision of a multi-role strike weapon system for 2030 and beyond.

To replace the current generation of heavy anti-ship and cruise missiles, a new system will be required that is capable of launching anti-ship strikes, land attacks and engaging time-sensitive targets such as relocatable missile launchers in an ever more complex tactical environment and with the minimum risk of collateral damage. This new system will also have to be modular and deliverable from a maritime environment, namely from a surface vessel, a submarine, a carrier-based platform or a maritime patrol aircraft.

Perseus features multiple operating modes against a wide land and maritime target set with the added capability of being able to overcome the most effective of enemy missile defences. It is designed to be a tactical weapon system operated through an advanced Operations & Mission Planning System at the crossroads of naval, land and air warfare. The advanced supersonic (up to Mach 3), agile and stealthy airframe is powered by a revolutionary ramjet motor built around a highly compact Continuous Detonation Wave Engine. This revolutionary solution, at the very edge of propulsion technology, opens up the possibility of developing a smaller airframe with more energetic efficiency. This airframe will make Perseus an unrivalled penetrator of enemy defences and an effective weapon for use against fast moving, relocatable targets that it will be able to reach in a matter of minutes even at ranges of up to 300 km.

An advanced dual-mode sensor package (comprising an Active Electronically-Scanned Array or AESA radar combined with a laser radar or LADAR) allows for all-weather operations in all configurations of terminal engagement. Radar modes such as SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) and DBS (Doppler Beam Sharpening) allow for long range target detection and discrimination in complex land and naval tactical environments including those involving advanced counter measures.

Overall weapon system robustness is reinforced by an advanced, hybridised navigation system. The lethal package includes two guided effectors that are ejected from the modular payload bay and a third warhead remaining on-board for a dispersed lethal effect on large or multi-element targets such as a major warship or a ground based missile system. Moreover, the missile's new modular composite structure allows for reductions in the overall mass of the weapon and fosters opportunities for through-life capability enhancement, simplifying maintenance operations through the whole life cycle and supporting the eventual development of a family of products.

Perseus features a highly original shape providing to optimise key performance characteristics and adaptability for integration on a range of naval and air platforms. The weapon's general performance with regard to its flight characteristics, its manoeuvrability, its propulsion as well as the detection capabilities of its sensors and the efficiency of its multiple military warhead have all been evaluated through digital simulations. As Perseus will be a tactical missile, the question of its operational deployment and access to tactical theatre data has also been considered so that a coherent and efficient weapon system architecture can be proposed.

A team of nine British, French, German and Italian engineers from MBDA, together with representatives from the Royal Navy and the French Navy, has evaluated the requirement and the solution for Perseus from operational analysis through to key performance specifications. The project has also benefited from the innovative mindset that exists within MBDA and which is fostered by the group's Innovation Challenge initiative that was also called on to contribute ideas.

Steve Wadey, Executive Group Director Technical and Managing Director MBDA UK, stated:

"The aims of MBDA's Concept Visions process are to promote innovation with our Customers, supply chain and employees to shape the future of the missile systems market. By bringing together and synthesising the know-how of our diverse group of highly talented engineers with that of equipment end-users, MBDA is able to offer the market a radical and accomplished vision of future missile system concepts and a demonstration of world leading innovation".

CVS 401 Perseus is the second project that MBDA has exhibited to show its vision of the future within the framework of a company initiative known as Concept Visions. This initiative was presented for the first time at last year's Farnborough Air Show when MBDA displayed its CVS 101 concept comprising a family of urban combat missiles, the 1 kg Sniper and 5 kg Enforcer, capable of being operated in a network-centric environment and enabling the delivery of a heavy punch at the lower levels of a force structure.





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Hasn't been cancelled, should probably be in aerospace or military.
sealordlawrence said:
Hasn't been cancelled, should probably be in aerospace or military.

It's an MBDA "vision of a multi-role strike weapon system for 2030 and beyond" and they use the term "Concepts Vision" in the press release. Because the language of the press release makes the concept seem so forward-looking, I was reluctant to place this topic in "Aerospace" or "Military." Of course, I will defer to the judgment of a moderator.
MBDA Concept Vision 2011 "Perseus"


From YouTube:

The official presentation of the long-range maritime multi-mission CVS401 Perseus weapon system takes place today at the Paris Air Show.

This system illustrates MBDA's vision for naval combat and land strikes from maritime platforms in 2030 and beyond. Its technical definition was built from MBDA employees' innovative capabilities as expressed through the 169 proposals that were received during the Concept Visions 2011 IDEA Challenge. The CVS401 Perseus weapon system concept is a synthesis of 14 key proposals formulated within the four nations that took part in the Challenge and the focus groups involving French and British operational forces. Assistance was also provided by a network of experts designated from within MBDA's Group Technical Direcorate.

If you have the chance to visit the stand at the Paris Air Show or, if not, in the next edition of Vector magazine, you will be able to discover the extraordinary possibilities that the competences of MBDA personnel offer us, along with the portfolio of technologies under development within the group and its industrial partners.

The Concept Visions project is a team of nine people, who worked for almost five months to pull together your ideas. "We have examined the 169 proposals one-by-one against an analysis grid based on eleven questions encompassing technical credibility, ambition, originality and operational relevance. At the conclusion of this examination, we selected approximately twenty ideas and then undertook a functional and operational analysis in order to build the most coherent vision possible. It was only when this synthesis had been validated that we looked again at our selection to identify the key contributing proposals resulting from the IDEA Challenge," stated Lionel Mazenq, the Concept Visions 2011 Project Manager.

14 proposals have been rewarded, including eight at Level 1 and one at Level 2. "On behalf of the Concept Visions 2011 project team, I would therefore like to congratulate the team from MBDA Germany, who won the Level 2 award, for their the PANDION concept (proposal no. 4399). Well done to Thomas Löb, Dieter Fasol, Detlev Offenbach, Siegfried Hora and Jürgen Engel," commented Lionel Mazenq.

The Concept Visions 2011project has proved that enthusiasm continues to flourish within MBDA and that innovation is truly in our genes.
litzj said:
Why do they choose two sub ammunition? larger one unite warhead look better

That is what I was thinking. Surprised they did not go with a variant of the Storm Shadow BROACH warhead.
JFC Fuller said:
Its not a real missile programme, its a vague futuristic concept.

Shame that, could be a potential replacement for the Storm Shadow.
It is, in the sense that MBDA are working on the replacement and Perseus is the closest suggestion of that work we have to look at right now.

That said, it's not due for replacement for another dozen years, so the exact product will no doubt differ significantly.

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