Max Holste H-20 Pe.1 twin boom glider


Senior Member
26 May 2006
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here is the Max Holste H-20 Pe.1 twin boom shoulder high wing glider,
I think one was built.


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Re: Max Holste H.20 PE1 and P1 gliders

Hi Hesham,
The above extracts were taken from the book Les avions Max Holste by Delarue. Text from this book is also quoted in the above link.
According to this book, the H.20 PE1 and H.20 P1 were two different projects:
- The H.20 PE1 was a performance training glider with aerobatic capabilities, designed in 1940 with 15 m wingspan and 15 sqm wing. It is described by Charles Claveau in Trait d'Union no.215, and has a classical configuration. It remained a project only. (PE1 means "Planeur d'Entraînement" = Training Glider, single seat)
- The H.20 P1 (or MH.20 P1 as shown on the wing) was a later design, whose construction started in 1941. It is the twin boom model illustrated above. It was finished in 1943 but did not fly, and was destroyed in the Max Holste factory by an aerial bombing in 1944. (P1 means "Planeur" = Glider, single seat.)
PS: Maybe we should fix the thread title accordingly.
Re: Max Holste H-20 PE1 and P1 gliders

When I wrote the above message yesterday, I did not notice that Trait d'Union no.215 actually contains a drawing of the H.20 PE1.


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