Matorras 75mm L.13 infantry cannon


ACCESS: Secret
18 January 2023
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During World War Two, The Argentine pursued a policy of neutrality which made her ineligible to Lend -Lease arms and equipment which was lavishly distributed to the country's regional rivals and neighbors. Thus, the industrial sector, which had begun in the 1930s was called upon to produce essential materiel for the nation's armed forces. during the 1890s, the army had acquired a number of Krupp 75 mmm L.13 mountain guns, the 1898 model of which was fitted with a Nordenfelt breech block, later produced by Krupp under license., which offered a greater ciclical capacity. In 1945, a number of virtually new tubes from these mountain guns were fitted with a new recoil system, a new carriage and shield, and modified to accept version f the Bofors 75mm L.40 mod. 1935, the standard field cannon of the Argentine army, albeit with a reduced charge. The new weapons system was designed by Brigadier General Agustín Matorras,, an artilleryman, and produced in numbers by the Dirección General de Fabricaciones Militares (DGFM), or General Directorate of Military Industries, and designated as Matorras infantry cannon 75 mm L.13 mod. 1945. Reportedly 100 units were completed, and issued to units of the 1st. Motorized Infantry Division, based in Buenos Aires.. According to the late Liuet. Colonel Carlos R. Doglioli, it was a hard-hitting accurate gun, appreciated by its gunners. It would by substituted in part by the DGFEm 75mm recoiless rifle. One example of the Matorras, bearing s/n 50 is preserved at the MusΘo de Armas de la Nación, while s/n 52 has been restored by a group of militaria enthusiast.


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Additional photos of the 75 mm L.13 mod. 1945


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Tech Specification

caliber 75mm
Barrel Length (Without muzzle brake) 1.000mm
Length in calibers: 13
Weight of the piece in firing position: 465 kg
projectile weight: 6.3 kg
Load weight: minimum 60 grams, maximum: 130.
Maximum range (minimum load) 3.750 meters.) maximum load) 5.200 meters.

A battery of 75 mm L.13 mod. 1945


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