Masters of the air - 2024 movie/series


12 February 2017
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This thread to discuss the merits (or not) of the last WWII battles opus from Spielberg, Hanks and Orloff.


Here is a constructive critics(?)*:

Also, the vomiting. Dear Lord, the vomiting. There is a lot of throwing up in this show, folks. There's more puking in the first two episodes than in all of Band of Brothers and The Pacific put together—and it's not the polite, safe-for-daytime-TV the-actor-spits-out-a-small-mouthful-of-oatmeal kind of puking. It's full-on CGI-enhanced 4K-resolution multicolored particle-simulated firehose-of-chunky-industrial-waste puking, with multispeaker Dolby Atmos splatter effects and long, lingering camera shots of the aftermath that leave you enough time to visually identify what the character last ate.

I'd never criticize a show for going hard on realism, but maybe they could have dialed the puking back just a bit?

Another one:

* I am myself quite getting annoyed by the multiplication of graphic throwing up scenes in modern cinema. Not sharing at all the artistic sense of that nouvelle-vague
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Perhaps of interest?

The Making of Masters of the Air: Hero Prop Paperwork
Warbird expert Taigh Ramey takes us behind the scenes on 'Masters of the Air', with some of the 'Hero Props'
February 18, 2024 James Kightly (Commissioning Editor)

Once again, thanks to well-known warbird expert Taigh Ramey, we can take you behind the scenes with the current Apple TV+ Masters of the Air series. Here Taigh gives us this insight into an area that would be easy to underestimate in importance – the maps and paperwork recreated for the series. Technically, these kind of elements on film and TV are known as ‘Hero Props‘ when they are handled by main characters, or illustrate a key element of the story. Over to Taigh:

(because of some neurological happenings I no longer watch TV or cinema, but stuff like this very much remains an interest)
Also of interest?

The Making of Masters of the Air, Master of The B-17 Cockpit – Dave Littleton
Warbird expert Taigh Ramey takes us behind the scenes on 'Masters of the Air', and Dave Littleton’s Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress cockpit.
February 13, 2024 James Kightly (Commissioning Editor)

Thanks to well-known warbird expert Taigh Ramey, we can take you behind the scenes with the current Apple TV+ Masters of the Air series. Taigh gives us this insight into how Dave Littleton’s Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress replica cockpit section, along with his, and Taigh’s, expertise, was instrumental in the very accurate cockpit drills – one aspect of the series that is getting significant expert praise. Over to Taigh:
Wow, that Arse... sorry, Ars technica critics is really a load of bullshit. Let me get this straight. The moron that wrote that critic (probably in five minutes) didn't liked the show because aviators are vomiting.
Seriously ?
No cinematographic work escapes criticism, however, in any movie or series you can see the bad as well as the beautiful, it's all a question of optics through which the viewer evaluates his vision. Scenes of vomiting do not in any way constitute movie criticism worthy of the name,I find it "really lame" to focus on this point,however I find a set of remakes of many scenes shot in other movies and series of the Second World War which is logical by the way because that was the environment and daily life of the war.The drama of the war can have only one face,there are no others.
Well, hey, at least there doesn't seem to be an obsession with this,

IRL perhaps all those bombers were serving double duty as vomit comets, so success :D, I guess! But seriously, if you're using excessive vomiting as a means of expressing the horrors of war rather than just really bad British *mess* food, you may be doing it wrong...
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With regards to the use of the Elsan Toilet, there are 2-Stories that are reputed to be true. One is about some Members of the RAF conducting Biological Warfare by jettisoning used Elsan Toilets with their normal Bomb Payload on German Targets.

ROTFL "Here's one for you, Adolf !" (proceeds to bomb Germany with a Lancaster portable toilet)
I am often in theaters and so have probably seen most of Hollywood stars commits to those puke sequences. Seems it is something that they might have on their resumes.

But screens are getting wider and wider. Mikes get the outmost of the blurbs etc... Time to stop the craze IMOHO. This is horrible.

But, please let's focus on the movie.
Just in case you wonder who is that Rosenthal pilot...

As you can see, poor guy even after Munster and even with a solid escort of P-51s, had somewhat "eventful" years in 1944 and 1945. Sweet geez.

At least, as a jew he got the satisfaction to bring karmic justice to a nazi bastard - one that was at Wannsee conference early 1942.
The 'WWII US Bombers' YouTube channel has been critiquing the series for various claims made or depicted within the series. In the most recent video it's mentioned that someone has stated (Pure anecdotal evidence mind you as the person is not named.) things were altered to make it more visually interesting to the audience and reduce the animators workload.

The series isn't perfect, but I really like it. Of course for us, "aviation nerds" we are looking for a 100% percent accuracy in every movie or TV show. However, the general audiences don't pay to much attention to those detail. If you consider that, the show is enjoyable and is a good representation of how B-17 crews fought during the war IMHO.

After saying that, I have to admit that "Masters of the Air Lacked" (at least for me) the emotional impact of "Band of Brothers". Again, these are my opinions and everyone is welcome to disagree.

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