In Gatland and Bono's Frontiers of space, (The Pocket Encyclopaedia of Spaceflight in Colour) (1969) this SSTO is noted as being a Tri-propellant design designed by or inspired by some person named Salked. The idea seems to have been that denser kerosene would be burned early in the launch to take advantage of that fuels greater density then at higher altitudes/ in space, the system would switch to H2 with LOX being the oxidizer in both cases. There is a plumbing diagram in the color plates in the book. It seems to have two very large engines and several smaller diameter ones. It's a very brief mention, basically an aside, and that's all I know about it, but this design intrigued me as a kid because it seemed to be something very close to a sci-fi space ship. I have no idea if it would have worked. Given the issues the much more conservative space shuttle had, and the fact that, NASA, by the '70 couldn't really do iterative testing (for political reasons), I kind of doubt it.