Joe taxpapayer is delighted to realize that those scientists have time and priority management enough to boil toothpaste and play with it.
Don't diss the mud, that's blue sky research for you, my dear Dan. I've been doing rather nicely out of mud.

Seriously, if President Trump wants to mine Mars etc for whatever, you need some Geological knowledge to decide where to look. Could be that these Martian mud volcanoes are bringing minerals up from below and may be forming the mineral deposits of Mars. Could be gold in them thar toothpaste floes.

It's questionable regarding the amount of credible information about the activity and dispersal of water on Mars. Among the things I have read is that the Martian atmosphere is so dry that water making contact with the atmosphere evaporates. Then that there is water ice just below the surface in some areas at shovel depth. And that liquid water can be found one mile down. Mud would freeze very rapidly.
So we're talking Aa rather than pahohoe?


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