Mars One


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11 March 2006
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A more drastic adventure, than the one by Dennis Tito, is planned by the Mars One foundation.
Not just circumnavigating, but actually landing on Mars is planned, but with no return ! The adventurist
are expected to build up a colony and stay there for the rest of their lives. To the scepsis, Titos plans
are often greeted with, here the project has to struggle with refusal due to ethical reasons, too, because
funding shall at least partially secured by TV-formats similar to "Big Brother". ::)
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Not new, there were several proposal for one way ticket to Moon or Mars
all have to face this major problem: what if one on guys wanna come back ?
Mars One came up in the media and some mags, because it's relatively short dated, as the
same timeframe as for Inspiration Mars should be used.
To my opinion, both have much more to do with promotional events, than with serious research.
But in the end, maybe exactly that's the reason , that could make it lucrative for some companies ?
When the first astronaut will be brought to his grave, with his IPhone 7 on his chest and
wearing his G-Star jeans, to the sound of the 10th internet hit by Psy ? :-[
Mars One project went bankrupt and cannot send people to Mars. The Mars One project was funded in 2012 with the goal of sending humans to Mars. The project had many differences from government plans for the development of this planet. For example, it implied that the colonists would go to Mars without the ability to return. To do this, cargo expeditions with the necessary equipment, as well as housing and service modules, and then the first people had to go to the Red Planet. In addition, the project initially assumed that candidates and members of the Martian expeditions would become participants in a reality show that would help fund the project. During its existence, the project has been repeatedly criticized by experts in the field of astronautics for being unrealistic. In particular, experts pointed to the low level of elaboration of technical solutions, unrealistic deadlines, as well as the lack of necessary funding. What bothers my mind is that they called the project unrealistic and at the same time Boeing company plant to transfer the good production to Moon and it is realistic, yeap?
I know of a variation on this idea from some time back. Rose Church, who had been an Aerospace Nurse with McDonnell Aircraft and worked with all the Mercury and Gemini astronauts while they trained there was a good friend of the Greater St Louis Air & Space Museum. About three months before she passed, she attended an event at the Museum and was asking people to sign a petition to get NASA to approve a one way mission to Mars. The idea was that everyone would be retired aerospace people who would know the science and would have the dedication to the mission. The plan was that they would be the first and would do the work to set up the processing equipment for the return trip fuel, and for other needs. Then they would spend the rest of their lives there doing what they loved in life.

From the sound of her voice as she talked about, and from her body language, I could tell that if NASA had approved the idea she would have fought to get to the front of the line to volunteer.
One of the things that came up during the Mars One discussion (look at the MIT assessment of it) is that it is harder to support a one-way mission than a return mission. You have to design systems for much longer reliability. And the consumables are a lot higher. Essentially, you have to keep resupplying them forever. An outpost won't achieve any kind of self-sufficiency for a very very long time.
The first one's will certainly have to science the hit out of it.

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