Marine UFO Indonesia 2009


ACCESS: Restricted
26 May 2022
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Saw this today in a Daily Mail article. I noted the design of it is somewhat similar to some "Coanda effect" concepts I had seen. There is even a toy freestyle disc called the Xdisc that has a pyramid like structure on the top for Coanda purposes. Could this maybe be a development of the old Avrocar? The 4,000 mph acceleration part of the story is likely just him guessing or being metaphorical (or outright disinformation as this whole story could be) but John Frost was always fond of proclaiming high acceleration rates (not 0-4,000mph in blink of an eye fast but still pretty good) on his "saucer craft". That said the Pye Wacket lenticular missile for the B-70 had some insane performance stats but that was a small, unmanned missile.
Pye Wacket:
Renderings of the craft:
Capture.JPG Capture1.JPG

Xdisc with Pyramid:
Blurb on the Pyramid's effect: "The concave flight-plate provides an ergonomic grip for a natural throwing position. This results in less hooks and slices during launch. Also, because the base of the pyramid in the XDISC is depressed into the disc, the aerodynamic property referred to as the “Coanda” effect occurs."

Pye Wacket model in wind tunnel:
Pye Wacket possible operational configuration:
Pye 36 21 600 (1).png
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I don't see any actual verified photographs of any craft. I definitely see your point on the potential lack of reliability of news media, but that just undercuts your assertions.
The point I was trying to make was that there are details in this sighting that are rather unique to Coanda type lifting systems. That makes it curious. If he made it all up it actually has some commonality with designs that use the Coanda effect. So either he saw a man-made craft that uses Coanda effect to achieve VTOL or made it all up but unknowingly came up with something rather fascinating. Also could be that he knows about such designs and threw in details for some reason. Its just odd.
Notice some more similarities:
Edit: maybe the "faceted" aspect of the craft was him misidentifying the airflow fences seen in these flying models
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The rainbow colors he saw on could even be due to the hot, humid jungle air being driven over the airframe. Any aerodynamic expert's input on that would be helpful.
Given the size mentioned by the Marine, an airship that uses Coanda effect is the only sane (Earthly origin) explanation that I can think of other than this being a hoax. Fits in very well with the blog you mention. We need more evidence than one news story and some sightings but I think looking at the details and comparing them to prior, known designs and projects will help try and sort out everything. This reminds me of all the Aurora talk when I was younger (which the sighting of it refueling off an oil rig I think was actually an F-117 and the donuts on a rope contrail being from the reactivation of the SR-71 in the mid-90s or the NASA tests).
Military guys, like fishermen---have their tall tales.

There was one about a "deck pecker;" a bird that liked to peck perfectly round marks. Actually, these were spent cartridges that landed on the teak sharp-end first, and a sailor spun up a tale around it to see how gullible a visiting Congresswoman was. That in and of itself might not have been true.

A navy pilot told me a waterspout turned his jet around.

But I knew Joe Golden flew through waterspouts more or less straight--and that with a prop plane:

The guy behind the recent Navy videos had the handle "Sex" Favour or something.

Now I am going to be charitable and say if the guy saw anything at all--he saw a pagoda roof go airborne in a vortex and spin down.

That's how this TARDIS flew:

Notice very little dust there.

A little bit of moisture for a rainbow effect---a pagoda rotating down---and a whole lot of embellishment.

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