Marchaudon Scarabée Nr2 and marine


ACCESS: Top Secret
18 February 2006
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In the nice Trait d’Union magazine of May-June 2012 (#263) is presented (after the roadable DeMarçay-Moonen) the photograph of a twin-boom flying car, 1936: the Marchaudon Scarabée. Tests are mentioned but without first flight date and maybe it was all on the ground. Does anyone know of in-flight testing for this project?
In 1937 the Scarabée Nr2 was built with a more narrow car pod, does anyone know if it was tested?
Anyway, the seaplane version remained a pure project, does anyone have a picture of it?
All this is related to the patent FR820336 published in 1937:


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Tophe said:
In the nice Trait d’Union magazine of May-June 2012 (#263) is presented (after the roadable DeMarçay-Moonen) the photograph of a twin-boom flying car, 1936: the Marchaudon Scarabée.
This is a reduced scan of the photograph: built Scarabée Nr1:


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Thanks Hesham for this link towards post-war flying-cars.
Your one was a pure twin-boomer, pusher, while the Marchaudon is somehow a triplex-boom aircraft, with extra lateral twin-booms to improve solidity of the central boom. See the aspect without car nor bracing wires:


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Do you mean this craft? The pictures is from the March 1937 "Air Trails".
John Braungart


  • (1937) Scarabee (01).jpg
    (1937) Scarabee (01).jpg
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From TU 263,all Info;

In October 1936, Charles Marchaudon (also spelled Marchandon), from Meaux, began testing on the Mignet a
erodrome, of a particularly original and ... ugly device, called Scarabée. The aircraft is controlled by Cartron. The
Scarabée wants to be a device of study, of plane-car formula.

It consists of a fuselage in car shape, drop in flight with a parachute. This cabin is connected to a wing of Mignet formula, with wing smaller front and rear fender. The two wings are connected by two beams which end in a large vertical tail. All the whole is assembled by a series complex of masts and spacers. A 40 hp Salmson engine is placed
at the front at the top of a chassis connected to the cabin. he drives a two-bladed propeller. All engine cabin can
be removed from the wing, thus allowing to move on the road using this strange propeller cart. It was also imagined
to use the same formula to do no a terrestrial device but a device marine. In this case, the cabin would be
become a boat. Of a total mass weighing 400 kg, the Scarab could reach 130 km / h.

A year later, tests continued, but with a modified cabin, significantly narrower than that of 1936. The apparatus was
now called Scarab n ° 02. The new width had apparently required to further complicate the guying from the whole.
The scale of the Scarabee n ° 02 was 10.5 m and its wing surface 24 m. || weighed 380 kg. The cabin in question was announced provisional, before be replaced by a real car,like Simca, from the inside of which the aircraft was to be ordered. Lateral stability was planned automatically by a special device.The cabin, or car, separated from
the plane itself by the simple game a lever which released an automatic lock. By using another lever, the guy cables
were released.

The editor does not know what ultimately happened to this original machine.


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I missed this topic.


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    Les Ailes no 852 14-10-37 p.12 (Marchaudon).jpg
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  • Marchaudon Scarabée (PhR1).jpg
    Marchaudon Scarabée (PhR1).jpg
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    Marchaudon Scarabée (PhR2).jpg
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