Machine gun adapted to fire through tank main gun


ACCESS: Confidential
24 April 2008
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Greetings and salutations everyone,
I seem to recall a WW2 tank which lacked a coaxial or hull mounted machine gun having a machine gun adapted to fit inside a modified tank shell. Then the modified shell with machine was mounted inside the main gun and fired by a solnoid. I can't recall anything else ot what tank had this feature. Any ideas anyone?
Cannot think of it as a real service weapon, but maybe for gun adjustment purposes ? Similar devices were standard
for the adjustment of ship guns, using rifles and "Klingscheiben" (clang targets) during the first steps (firing on the line
of sight) and later sub caliber installations. Into the 38 cm guns, for example got 8.8 cm gun barrels were inserted.
I've read of this idea too on some discussion board...
If the information was reliable, it was apparently the Valentine IX tank, which lost space for the coaxial machine gun after a 6 pdr. cannon had been installed.
A BESA machine gun with 57 mm cartridge-like casing was developed to fit into the cannon chamber - sadly I have no idea if this device went into production or remained a prototype only.
From David Fletcher's The Universal Tank - British Armor in the Second World War Part 2:


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Bravo Grzesio and CostasTT!!
That was really beginning to bug me.

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