LWD "Goniec"

Jan den Das

ACCESS: Secret
27 December 2008
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At the LWD factory there was designed in 1948 a two-engined aeroplane. This would be a trainer for both Bomber and Transport crews.
In 1950 the LWD factory was ended and the Goniec was never build or completed.
Who had more information, such as drawings/dimensions if it was under construction pictures/etc.
Info from A. Morgała book "Polskie Samoloty Wojskowe 1945-1980" - "Another interesting project developed at the same time was a LWD "Goniec" -twin-engine plane on bomber aircraft transition and transport, to be used in civil aviation.

This was to be economical in the use of aircraft used for training pilots and navigators, affecting the cheapening and shortening cycle training on twin-engine combat aircraft. The equivalent of this machine was introduced later, UTB-2. Towards the liquidation of LWD design office and the transition of staff to other institutions, both projects were never to develop further."

After searching your entire collection of books on Polish unrealized projects, cant find other information or plans.

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