Lunar Mission One

Grey Havoc

Senior Member
9 October 2009
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ORIGINAL CAPTION: The plan is for the lander to set down in 2024 on the Moon's South Pole.​

Hmmmm. :-\
Their website says that they have not worked on a lander design, so the artwork is entirely notional.

That said, it's a lousy lander design. Too top heavy. Needs a wider footprint. They should have worked with their artist.
Reading about the way of raising money for that mission, I hope, that the scientific
points won't take a back seat !
blackstar said:
Too top heavy.
Was my first thought, too, and if no design work still yet was done, it actually may just
be a guess. But I'm not sure, that it is possible to determine the CG by such a picture,
as long, as it isn't known, how components of different weight are distributed. If heavy
items are all placed low and lighter ones more upwards, it may work, no matter, what
it looks like, I think.
i've seen the artwork used in the In 1990, We were warned never to return to the Moon horror story
just saying

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