I am trying to ascertain the avionics suite of the Luftwaffe F-4F after the mid-life update and the eventual ICE upgrades.
There is a nice panorama view of the cockpit of the F-4F #99+91, which is clearly non-ICEd, at:
This a/c history is listed here:
My question is related to the mods from the USAF #72-1201 version to the state depicted in the panorama. If I am right, the UHF COM was the German-made Rohde und Schwarz XD 610H1 Have Quick radio set in lieu of the original US-issue AN/ASQ-88 COM/TACAN/IFF combo. There is also an emergency 2-channel + guard UHF radio visible in the bottom part of the RH panel in the panorama. It was the Rohde und Schwarz XT2000 "Wachempfaenger." The avionics pieces from Collins which I spotted were the AN/ARN-139 (aka TCN-150) TACAN control head with the channel 68X set, and the LS-460B ICS. The IFF looks like the AN/APX-76 or APX-80 with Mode 4 available. This particular F-4F also used the AN/ALE-40 countermeasures dispenser. The radar seems to be the old venerable AN/APQ-120 with the AN/ASG-26 optical sight. I have no idea what the orange Dzus control head on the RH panel with toggle switches was. Perhaps it was added only by the Luftwaffe.
Does anyone have the rear cockpit photos of the Luftwaffe F-4F after such mid-life updates?
I would be grateful for the photos of the front and rear cockpit of the F-4F ICE advanced mods version.
If someone has the manuals for the F-4F after mid-life updates and the F-4F ICE, please share them.
There is a nice panorama view of the cockpit of the F-4F #99+91, which is clearly non-ICEd, at:
This a/c history is listed here:

99+91 - German Air Force (Luftwaffe) (F-4F-56-MC Phantom)
Detailed information about 99+91, a F-4F-56-MC Phantom operated by German Air Force (Luftwaffe). Check out history, photos, and more on PlaneLogger.

My question is related to the mods from the USAF #72-1201 version to the state depicted in the panorama. If I am right, the UHF COM was the German-made Rohde und Schwarz XD 610H1 Have Quick radio set in lieu of the original US-issue AN/ASQ-88 COM/TACAN/IFF combo. There is also an emergency 2-channel + guard UHF radio visible in the bottom part of the RH panel in the panorama. It was the Rohde und Schwarz XT2000 "Wachempfaenger." The avionics pieces from Collins which I spotted were the AN/ARN-139 (aka TCN-150) TACAN control head with the channel 68X set, and the LS-460B ICS. The IFF looks like the AN/APX-76 or APX-80 with Mode 4 available. This particular F-4F also used the AN/ALE-40 countermeasures dispenser. The radar seems to be the old venerable AN/APQ-120 with the AN/ASG-26 optical sight. I have no idea what the orange Dzus control head on the RH panel with toggle switches was. Perhaps it was added only by the Luftwaffe.
Does anyone have the rear cockpit photos of the Luftwaffe F-4F after such mid-life updates?
I would be grateful for the photos of the front and rear cockpit of the F-4F ICE advanced mods version.
If someone has the manuals for the F-4F after mid-life updates and the F-4F ICE, please share them.
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