Luftwaffe intercontinental bomber fan art - realistic?

Cobra Kebab

ACCESS: Restricted
27 January 2008
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I found this fan-art design over at

I figure that the aircraft is supposed to be in the same size range as the Convair B-36. I think that the design has potential, but there are some details in it that are bugging me: I'm not too keen on the banana-shaped fuselage, the landing gear seems like it ought to have more wheels, and the engines doesn't look like any german 1940's engines that i know of.

Is there anyone here that's more aeromechanically and aerodynamically knowledgeable than me and can tell if my assuptions are correct?
I'm not sure how survivable such a beast would be

Unescorted against P-38, P-39 (original version, with turbosupercharger), P-54 and P-71 fighters which had been designed for that circumstance?

In my opinion would have been low.

BTW: for those interested on German long range bombers I recommend:
Unescorted against P-38, P-39 (original version, with turbosupercharger), P-54 and P-71 fighters which had been designed for that circumstance?

In my opinion would have been low.

Agreed. A hit or two of 37mm ... In reality, better to go small and fast.

However, whoever did the original artwork had a good sense of humour and ran with it.
Great work guys! Looks a lot more plausible now! I think that it needs that rear undercarriage though.

BTW, I think that it's a Ju-588.
BTW: for those interested on German long range bombers I recommend:
Manfried Greil's book "Luftwaffe Over America" is highly recommended- it's not for everyone due to its technical nature but it's a fascinating look at the tremendous engineering challenges the Germans faced in trying to develop an aircraft capable of hitting the US- materials and fuel shortages being the least of the challenges it seems!

Is the Ju 588 a "What ib " or a real project ?
What is the source
Is the Ju 588 a "What ib " or a real project ?

It's whatif, fanart, fake.

For all members:

The main subject of secretprojectsforum are real unbuilt projects so, please, everything else must be clearly identified to avoid confussion.

Yeah, that's why I posted it in "Scale Modelling, Fan art & Profiles". It is totally fictional aircraft I found on a japanese webpage, and I just wanted to see if others on this forum had any opinions on wheter it was realistically designed or not.

Anyway, anyone interested in making 3-view drawing?
Quite right Antonio.

The Ju-588 is complete nonsense. I hoped it was in the same humous vane as the creator of the Japanese fan art. However, it should have been more clearly labeled for what it is. :-[

Artwork has been removed.

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