Luft 1939-46
Book 865 pp. 113,315 words, 320 B/W illustrations, 25 color illustrations. Dictionary 120 pp. 16,500 words.
Airborne Guns
Schräge Musik
Vertical Recoilless Weapons
Horizontal Recoilless Weapons
One-man Recoilless Flak
Sight Devices
Unguided Rockets (Air-to-Air)
Spin-Stabilized Rockets
Fin-Stabilized Rockets (Air-to-Air)
Spin-Stabilized Rockets (Anti-tank)
Fin-stabilized rockets (Anti-tank)
Anti-aircraft rockets
Launch Devices
Air-to-Air Missiles
Anti-ship Missiles
Anti-tank Missiles
Anti-aircraft Missiles
Aerial Torpedoes
Torpedo Gliders
BT (Bombentorpedo) Series
Bombs (Abwurfmunition)
Sprengbomben (High Explosive Bombs)
Brandbomben (Incendiary Bombs)
Sonderabwurfmunition (Special bombs)
Seeabwurfmunition (Anti-shipping bombs)
Abwurfbehälter (Air-dropped containers)
Individual Bombs Names
Bombs, Dispensers and Drop Containers
Kampfstoffe Toxic Chemical Fillings
Explosive Filling Codes
Piston Engines
High-Altitude engines
Mechanically Driven Superchargers
Exhaust Driven Superchargers
Evaporation cooling systems
Jet Engines
Senkrechstarter Jagdflugzeug VTOL concept
Strahlrohrjäger concept
Solid-propellants rockets
Verbrauchsflugzeug competition
Rammschussjäger specification
Solid-propellants rockets
Liquid-propellants rockets
Combat Rocket Planes
TLR concept
Project X
Kleinstjäger concept
Objektschutzjäger program
Wernher von Braun Rockets
Bi-propellant rocket engines
Fuels and fluids
Rocket Propellants
Pressurization Systems
Oxygen masks
High-altitude fighters
Pressurized cabins
Pressure suits
Crews protective clothing
Flying suits
Acid-resistant flying suits
Flying gloves
Flying boots
Flying helmets
Flying goggles
Body armor
Life jackets
Survival equipment
Escape Systems
Use of Luftwaffe parachutes
Types of textiles used in parachutes
Downward escape systems
Ejector seats
Jettisonable cabins
Escape pods
Wing planforms
Straight wings
Rear swept wings
Forward swept wings
Delta wings
Slender delta wings
Scalloped delta wings
Ojival delta wings
Circular wings
Annular wings
The search for speed
Transonic propellers
German transonic projects
Research transonic airplanes (Mach 0.75 to 1.25)
Combat transonic airplanes (Mach 0.75 to 1.25)
Research supersonic airplanes (Mach 1.25 to 3)
Combat supersonic airplanes (Mach 1.25 to 3)
Combat hypersonic airplanes (more than Mach 3)
VTOL projects 1933-1945
Night fighters
Wilde Sau units
Night fighter projects
Tow techniques
Misteln project and prototypes
Air-to-air refueling systems
Detection systems
Antiradar techniques
Electronic war
Infra red devices
Proximity fuses
Auxiliary vehicles
Ground support equipment
Luftwaffe ranks
German aircraft paints, lacquers, primers, sealing compounds, deicing compounds, adhesives, fireproof dopes and insulating tapes.
Aircraft color codes
Geschwader identification bands
Propeller hub markings
Geschwader codes
Gruppe identification markings
Staff aircraft identification markings
Night fighters’ colors
Nicknames of German planes
Projects and prototypes
Book 865 pp. 113,315 words, 320 B/W illustrations, 25 color illustrations. Dictionary 120 pp. 16,500 words.
Airborne Guns
Schräge Musik
Vertical Recoilless Weapons
Horizontal Recoilless Weapons
One-man Recoilless Flak
Sight Devices
Unguided Rockets (Air-to-Air)
Spin-Stabilized Rockets
Fin-Stabilized Rockets (Air-to-Air)
Spin-Stabilized Rockets (Anti-tank)
Fin-stabilized rockets (Anti-tank)
Anti-aircraft rockets
Launch Devices
Air-to-Air Missiles
Anti-ship Missiles
Anti-tank Missiles
Anti-aircraft Missiles
Aerial Torpedoes
Torpedo Gliders
BT (Bombentorpedo) Series
Bombs (Abwurfmunition)
Sprengbomben (High Explosive Bombs)
Brandbomben (Incendiary Bombs)
Sonderabwurfmunition (Special bombs)
Seeabwurfmunition (Anti-shipping bombs)
Abwurfbehälter (Air-dropped containers)
Individual Bombs Names
Bombs, Dispensers and Drop Containers
Kampfstoffe Toxic Chemical Fillings
Explosive Filling Codes
Piston Engines
High-Altitude engines
Mechanically Driven Superchargers
Exhaust Driven Superchargers
Evaporation cooling systems
Jet Engines
Senkrechstarter Jagdflugzeug VTOL concept
Strahlrohrjäger concept
Solid-propellants rockets
Verbrauchsflugzeug competition
Rammschussjäger specification
Solid-propellants rockets
Liquid-propellants rockets
Combat Rocket Planes
TLR concept
Project X
Kleinstjäger concept
Objektschutzjäger program
Wernher von Braun Rockets
Bi-propellant rocket engines
Fuels and fluids
Rocket Propellants
Pressurization Systems
Oxygen masks
High-altitude fighters
Pressurized cabins
Pressure suits
Crews protective clothing
Flying suits
Acid-resistant flying suits
Flying gloves
Flying boots
Flying helmets
Flying goggles
Body armor
Life jackets
Survival equipment
Escape Systems
Use of Luftwaffe parachutes
Types of textiles used in parachutes
Downward escape systems
Ejector seats
Jettisonable cabins
Escape pods
Wing planforms
Straight wings
Rear swept wings
Forward swept wings
Delta wings
Slender delta wings
Scalloped delta wings
Ojival delta wings
Circular wings
Annular wings
The search for speed
Transonic propellers
German transonic projects
Research transonic airplanes (Mach 0.75 to 1.25)
Combat transonic airplanes (Mach 0.75 to 1.25)
Research supersonic airplanes (Mach 1.25 to 3)
Combat supersonic airplanes (Mach 1.25 to 3)
Combat hypersonic airplanes (more than Mach 3)
VTOL projects 1933-1945
Night fighters
Wilde Sau units
Night fighter projects
Tow techniques
Misteln project and prototypes
Air-to-air refueling systems
Detection systems
Antiradar techniques
Electronic war
Infra red devices
Proximity fuses
Auxiliary vehicles
Ground support equipment
Luftwaffe ranks
German aircraft paints, lacquers, primers, sealing compounds, deicing compounds, adhesives, fireproof dopes and insulating tapes.
Aircraft color codes
Geschwader identification bands
Propeller hub markings
Geschwader codes
Gruppe identification markings
Staff aircraft identification markings
Night fighters’ colors
Nicknames of German planes
Projects and prototypes
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