Looking for your insight/knowledge into the French AMX-10P ICV


Seek out and close with the enemy
Senior Member
21 May 2006
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G'day gents

I am looking for knowledgeable insight into the French AMX-10P Infantry Combat Vehicle.
Are there any French Grenadiers or AMX-10P crew members out there who are able to share first hand experience?

Now I both know and appreciate that the AMX-10P is (was) nether a Marder 1 nor M2/3 Bradley in terms of armour, size, weight or firepower. But it is this smaller size and lighter weight that I am interested in, along with the fact that it was amphibious - unlike that of the Marder and Bradley.
I have been trying to find some good video footage of the AMX-10P, so as to get an idea of its troop compartment size. From what I have been able to determine, it appears the troop compartment was very cramped, and its entering and exiting somewhat awkward! If this is the case, does anyone think it would have been difficult to have extended the length of the AMX-10P's hull - say with the addition of an additional road wheel, so as to afford more workable/comfort space within the troop compartment of the design? If the hull was extended by this margin, would this have effected the AMX-10P's amphibious attributes??

Was its 20mm cannon stabilised, so that it could be fired accurately on the move?
Was a Milan ATGM able to be fitted and slaved to the AMX-10P's turret - aka Marder 1 style??
Did the French or the manufacturer of the AMX-10P ever toy with the idea of up-gunning the AMX-10P with a 25-30mm cannon to replace the 20mm cannon? If so did this use the existing turret?

Was the AMX-10P able to be air transported by the likes of the Lockheed C-130E/H Hercules or Transall C.160?

Without any bias, what would you think the better design out of the AMX-10P and the FMC Armoured Infantry Fighting Vehicle (aka YPR 765)?

Does anyone know of or have information to experimental AMX-10P - based experimental vehicles, apart from the operational variants (photos to support this would be great :p

Finally is anyone aware that the Australian Army ever evaluated the AMX-10P????



  • Profile drawing of AMX-10P ICV.jpg
    Profile drawing of AMX-10P ICV.jpg
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