Looking for books on aircraft for very young children


ACCESS: Top Secret
6 June 2008
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Specifically 'board' books - my two-year-old loves airplanes and helicopters ("plane fan!" he squeals enthusiastically whenever he sees propellers, and he's even mastered "helicopter fan" for rotors), but isn't quite ready to be trusted with 'paper'-paged books on his own yet. He tries, but sometimes he's a touch indelicate, as I have already learned to my cost. Also, his little sister likes to get in on the story-reading act, and she's got a very firm grip for a nine month old.

Simple story books and picture books are called for here. Any suggestions as to titles? Thanks heaps in advance.
I run a small bookstore, and though I'm sad to report we don't get much call for aviation books for any age, we have carried this book over the last few years, and it may fit your needs. It fetures simple drawings, not photos though, in case that is a consideration:


I'm not sure about availability in Australia, but it is readily available in the 'States.
Thanks for that. ;D

I'm actually living in Canada at the moment, so that probably solves the availability problem. Just from the brief preview it gives inside, it looks pretty good for my requirements - it's the (relative) indestructability that's the prime requirement here! ;)
I will second the recommendation for Barton's "Planes" book.

I even brought it on on of our weekend End of Runway spotting field trips.


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