Lockheed XVHPS Helpastune concept art found on eBay. I presume that this was a gag and not a real project.
Seller's description:
Seller's description:
Lockheed's US Navy Operational Test and Evaluation Force original concept art for the XVHPS Helpastune…a blending of the USN P-2 Neptune ASW aircraft with helicopter/vertical takeoff capability. This was an attempt to give the Neptune carrier landing capability (the P-2 never did make a carrier landing in its active service carrier). It begged the question, what would you get if a P-2 Neptune and an SH-3 Sea King helicopter had a baby?…the Helpastune! Obviously, it never came to pass…but the concept art is terrific! Produced on heavy tag board and mounted in a wooden frame (it probably hung in some Lockheed engineer's office as humbling experience for many years)