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Oh, look... Another day of F-35 wanting back in...

S-400 works as much as things that be within limits. We will hear rather more colourful anectodes of how Western systems do, when it will not be high treason to talk about them. They were of course available to Americans as soon as they arrived. The Russian ambrassador to Ankara said we could do whatever we wanted with them down to the use of trucks in transporting tomatoes from the fields. Those who claim to have inspected the missiles themselves say on the social media that it is the usual Russian mess of wires going everywhere but it does what it does.

We are not going to fight China; too far away. We are not going to fight Russians; too busy with relatives. We are not going to fight Iran; because we have lived under hostile nuclear weapons for ages. This country will not even fight Greece unless it is an election year; this year's or the last year's wars of words were soul stirring. Anything we need we are doing, as the entire media here ceaselessly tells us. I expect a few heart attacks when the commentators suddenly discover the possibility of that being the actual case.

We do not need the F-35. Which is back on the table because the 20plus billions US$ contracts and election promises have met the true economy and can not be honoured. Pentagon can even get its Block 70s back, promise, l won't make a scene. Do it now before some wake up to the conspiracy that Pentagon did things to sell F-16s first.

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