Lockheed L1011 Cruise Missile Launch Platform - Artist Concept


ACCESS: Confidential
7 October 2010
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This artist concept shows the Lockheed candidate for the proposed 1970s-era US Air Force Cruise Missile Carrier Aircraft, or CMCA. Based on the L-1011-500 TriStar airliner, the CMCA variant would have had fore and aft internal weapons bays, more powerful radar, and additional sensors and antennae. Promotional material noted that "a number of very advanced systems ... will provide the United States Air Force with the lowest possible life cycle costs -- the direct applications of advanced technology to save energy, operating costs, and maintenance costs throughout the life of the aircraft." The Air Force later abandoned the CMCA concept.
It's interesting to see that one of the cruise missiles shown being launched is a USAF version of the Tomahawk.
Pat Flannery said:
It's interesting to see that one of the cruise missiles shown being launched is a USAF version of the Tomahawk.

This would appear to date the image to 1977-1980, when the Air Force was running a competition (at Congress' direction) between AGM-86B and AGM-109 for the ALCM requirement.

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