Lockheed CL-361


ACCESS: Confidential
7 October 2010
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Haven't seen this covered on the site....

In the early 1960s, Lockheed began a development program (designated CL-361) for a one-place fighter nose ejection capsule. In an emergency, the nose of the aircraft would separate from the fuselage and three aerofoils would be deployed to allow limited forward flight and to stabilize the capsule. A parachute would then be deployed to lower the entire nose to the ground. Two configurations, including one that was classified, were studied. This is one of the three F-104-based capsules built for ground-based rocket sled testing, although it is not clear if that testing ever took place. A similar escape pod system was used on the F-111.

Photo here:

I have a Lockheed report on this to the USAF ASD. The preliminary study began in 57 for the WADC and completed in 59; fabrication of hardware began December 60, completed June 62. Five capsules and one test sled were built. At the time of the report (1962 sometime), seven tests were planned up to 900 knots.

Unsurprisingly, a good deal of the report deals with parachute development. Some really detailed diagrams of the capsule as well. Below is a less detailed diagram.


  • Cl-361.jpg
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Lockheed nose mock-up from the René Francillon Photo Archive at SDASM Archives.Source:


  • Lockheed nose mock-up_sdasm archives.jpg
    Lockheed nose mock-up_sdasm archives.jpg
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