Lockheed Archives : Iron Mountain third-party storage facility in California


ACCESS: Secret
12 January 2011
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"Once located, the drawings must be carefully unrolled and scanned. These sixty-plus year old documents are very fragile and frequently have deteriorated, making it difficult to get a readable scan: but new technology and repeated practice has made this process much easier."

I suspect that the writer of this article is being overly dramatic..

I have large numbers of unfaded,original aviation factory drawings, blueprints (some being 12 feet long.)reports, documents, photos and archival records that are 60 (up to 100 years old!) years old, that are in good condition and not fragile to handle.
Prbably depends what they were drawn on. How well does Mylar hold up vs vellum?
Lufthansa Super Star gGmbH has joined the "more money than sense" club. Completing a return-to-flight restoration has to be seriously expensive. This sounds like just my kind of project!

I wonder what "full passenger revenue flight capability" actually means?

Some additional info...

Great pics here of the resto...

Great pics and video here...

From the gaahf.org/constellation/ site.

"Unique Flight Experience

Once the full restoration of the Super Star is complete, the aircraft will be fully operational for passenger and educational use. The interior renovations will have the look and feel of the 1950’s paired with the exceptional and unmatched service that the twenty-first century has to offer.Flights will operate, as common in those days, at half the speed and half the altitude of today’s commercial airliners, giving passengers a unique perspective of the landscape below.

The cost of tickets aboard the Super Star will be made affordable to passionate aviation and travel enthusiasts."

This is seriously cool!



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