Light aircraft in Egypt 1933


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19 October 2012
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Here's one to identify, photo taken at Almaza, Cairo, in November 1933.
Hesham, this is your territory, can you provide a name?

Egyptian light aircraft, November 1933.JPG
Hard to say my dear Schneiderman,

but I will search.
Why does this picture seem familiar?
Have you checked Aviation Historian? I can't help thinking I've seen this picture in relation to an Imperial Airways article, the picture being taken during a stopover. I will have to have a rummage around.
Well not in the article I wrote :). A quick flick through a dozen or so editions turned up nothing but I'll keep digging.
The scan I posted is from Aeroplane 29th Nov 1933. I don't have that one in my collection and it will be a couple of weeks before I can look at the whole magazine for clues.

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