LF book recommendation: engine development at RR before and during WW2


ACCESS: Top Secret
Senior Member
9 May 2008
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Calum Douglas' excellent book 'The secret horsepower race' has left me with a taste for more. In particular, I'm looking for an overview of engine development at RR in that time period. Merlin and Griffon at least, but a book that also covers the Vulture and Crecy would be even better. Does something like this exist?
Absolutely forget anything other than the Rolls-Royce Heritage Trust series if you are looking for anything with serious technical discussion.
(EDIT: Thats being slighly unfair, Graham Whites book "Allied Aircraft Piston Engines of WW2" - does actually have some nice
cutaways and suchlike, but its obviously a broad-themed book so MAY not provide the detail level you`re after)

The RRHT book on the Crecy is very good. On the Vulture virtually nothing of any use is written, although "A Designer Remembers" from the RRHT
series mentions aspects of Vulture developments.

If you cant get a response from RRHT at present, you can usually find all their books on Abe books:

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I recommend joining the R. R. H. T. Annual fee is quite modest and the membership discount on books is substantial (typically one third off the price).
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