Lets do the standard time traveller save the war thing: this time for the newest Russian one

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ACCESS: Top Secret
1 June 2019
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Wish fulfillment media about time travelling through history to "correct" historical "errors" is a common trope. This range from C&C red alert, The final count down and so on.

Well, in the style of Blue Armada Anime and Russian Popadantsy genre, lets think about what can be written about the most recent major war, the Ukraine-Russian war. Lets have out protag die in the war and travel back to say, 2000~2010 time frame with some influence to act. What could have the said character have done to improve results for the Russian side?

In line with focus of this forum, lets just focus on technology (a not unpopular thing to change for this kind of story) that could be developed with hindsight.
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