Lessons from the USN Knox class

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ACCESS: Above Top Secret
Senior Member
27 September 2006
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With all the discussions on the post Cold War travails of the US Navy especially with its escort ship programmes it is worth recalling an earlier troubled programme.
I will use Wikipedia to set the scene for those not familiar with the USN Knox class ASW escorts
The Knox class became like the RN Leanders the most numerous escort ASW ships in the fleet and were often contrasted unfavourably and unfairly with Soviet ships like the Krivak class.
But the Knox class were what the USN had to work with.
A major part of the problem was that they were designed to have such systems as the RIM-46A Sea Mauler which ended up as vaporware thanks to a certain Robert Strange McNamara.
A major part of the problem was that they were designed to have such systems as the RIM-46A Sea Mauler which ended up as vaporware thanks to a certain Robert Strange McNamara.
And you don't think those responsible for actually physically developing had something to do with it?
McNamara heavily interfered with countless programs and projects, usually to their great detriment. The Mauler program was the poster child for this, one could say.

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