Le Bourget 2009

dear Matej,
i will be at Le Bourget.
As you can see, im relatively new on the forum, but as passionate as anyone else about modern military aviation.
will be happy to shake hands
will be in le Bourget 15 ...maybe 16, maybe 19 and 20 ... have a Secret projects "rendez vous" ???? :) :) :) :eek: :) :) :)
I will be there 15 - 17 June. Love to meet up if the chance permits.


That was somehow my general idea. At least to meet some SPF members for a few minutes (or more) and to talk a bit. I like the communication possibilities of the internet, but it is always much usefull to know the people also personally. What about a meeting (or two)? The first one can be during the Saturday and second earlier during non-general public days?

Also someone familiar with the airport should suggest some good area to meet where everybody be able to find the way.
i will be arriving friday night, so it would be a pleassure, as matej says, to talk a bit with you guys on saturday.
I will be there on the 16th and 17th and looking forward to meet SPF members.
The Mirage 4000 at a given time each day would be a good meeting point (I was standing next to it last December but it was much quieter then :D)
You mean here?

Exactly, unless they shuffle the airplanes around during the show? I haven't been to Le Bourget during the show for a long time.
Okey, I was waiting for the air display schedule, but I found out, that it begins at 12:30, so here is my proposal:

1st Secretprojects meeting is taking place at Saturday, 20th June at 11:00 next to Mirage 4000. If you want to meet other SPF members to shake hands and talk a bit, than come! ;)
with me, but with the Show maybe they moved the Mirage 4000 (the museum will be closed :-\
Best spot : under Ariane V :) ;) :) Each Show it was my "rendez vous" place !!

See you friends !

(I ll go 15,16, 18 to 20)
Will be all the days at the Show ! ;D :D ;D
First day : saturday 16 june

who with me ?
Please don't forget to post some photos of the meeting :)
back from le Bourget show :D
many, many old planes ... :eek:
will send you the (secret) projects ;)
who will be here friends ?


  • NAVION LE BOURGET 2009 .jpg
    NAVION LE BOURGET 2009 .jpg
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I will be standing under Ariane V wearing my AOPA cap on Tuesday and Wednesday at noon if I am not stuck in a meeting.
Tomorrow I will start my trip to Le Bourget, looking forward to SPF meeting at Saturday, 20th June at 11:00 next to Mirage 4000 (alternatively next to Ariane 5 if Mirage 4000 be removed). I will be the guy with at least one HUGE photocamera and in black Slovak Air Force T-shirt. Alternatively you can take a look at me here :) : http://www.hitechweb.genezis.eu/?page=_matej_furda.htm
mentally with you, guys...
Hmm ... stilll not 100% sure, but hopefully I will be thaere on Saturday 20. from the very beginning to about 3 pm.

I'd love to be there, but my daughter is still too little.
I met only one SPF member. Someone with the better luck? Now I am too tired but from tomorrow, I will start to post a few interesting things from the show.
Here are a few airplanes I thought were interesting.


  • Mil MI-26T Model.jpg
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  • IAI Drone.jpg
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  • Air Tractor Fire Boss.jpg
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  • OMA Skycar.jpg
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And from the flightline...


  • A-380 Run-Up.jpg
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  • C-17 Interior.jpg
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  • L-1049G 01.jpg
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  • A-380 on Final.jpg
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  • C-130J on Final.jpg
    C-130J on Final.jpg
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Seeing a Connie fly is always an unforgettable experience... ::)

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