Latin American aerospace programs and news

H1: How was a 100% Mexican airplane produced?

From Falcon 1 (H1) you can talk in different ways: seen as an aeronautical product, it is a lightweight sport aircraft (LSA by its acronym in English) manufactured by HorizonTec, a Mexican company established in 2013 and dedicated to the design and development of sports and experimental aircraft, and of which Giovanni Angelucci Carrasco is its founding partner.

In terms of materials and design, the H1 is an aircraft whose fuselage is composed of a combination of wood, fiberglass and epoxy resins. It has a length of 6.1 meters and a height of 2.3 meters, capacity for two people and its engine uses gasoline instead of turbosina, with sufficient power and performance to achieve a range of 2 thousand kilometers.

On his purpose, Felipe Rubio, director of the National Center for Aeronautical Technologies (Centa), said for A21 that this equipment is ideal for flight training as well as to develop aeronautical tourism, since it can be used for recreational flights in various Mexican aerodromes that could be visited with this type of aircraft, which do not need long tracks in addition to being safe and easy to handle.

But in historical terms, and in the words of the engineer Federico Pérez Fuentes, secretary of Planning and Bonding, Universidad Aeronáutica en Querétaro (UNAQ), is the first of a series of projects in almost eighty years, which has seriously proposed returning to the Mexican aeronautics to the heights of where it never had to descend: "around 1930 we designed and made Mexican planes. This was stopped doing in 1940, "he said.

Airplane of the Bajío

Based in Querétaro, the Centa was the incubator where the H1 project managed to draw on the technology and technical advice to become what it is now: a 100% Mexican airplane, although many believe, by the same statements of the governor, that it was built in Guanajuato.

"The history of the project begins when the plane begins to be built in the garage of a house of the family of Giovanni (Angelucci), in Mexico City. Later two partners from Guanajuato are associated with HorizonTec and that is when they start looking for opportunities. After talking to the governor (Sinhue Rodríguez), the new administration gives them support and gives them the space to position a plant. After that fact, I have the opportunity to talk with Giovanni and invite him to move to the Centa, so that the construction of the aircraft is completed, which is why it is improperly announced that the plane is made in Guanajuato ", Felipe Rubio related.

The firm Ik Aerospace presented the first aircraft manufactured in Guanajuato: "Hawk 1" license plate XB-PMZ. A lightweight two-seater single-engine airplane measuring 6.1m long and 2.3m high; made with composite wood with fiberglass and epoxy resins

It is worth mentioning that in 2015, the project received financing for its first version from the Technological Innovation Fund of the Ministry of Economy, the National Institute of the Entrepreneur and Conacyt. It has also had support from educational institutions such as the UNAQ and the National Polytechnic Institute.

Once in the Centa, the infrastructure and capacity available there provided HorizonTec with all the necessary technical and analytical support, particularly for the fluid mechanics of the structure. It also allowed him to use laboratories, test equipment, physical-chemical analysis and the entire technological context to support an innovative design.

Thus, on September 1, 2017, the first test flight of H1 took place.

Amen of the technological aspect, among the biggest challenges of the H1 were the official procedures, because it had to remove the licenses granted by the General Directorate of Civil Aeronautics (DGAC) for the pilot airplane certification, which took a long time to be a new process for Mexico.

"It is a very appropriate aircraft for training schools, it brings a very efficient engine and it is more economical in the use of fuel. It is a process that starts and that will be consummated in stages, "said the Centa director.

He added that while the HorizonTec plant in Guanajuato is being completed, which is expected to start operations in 2019, the Centa will continue to support the company with both the H1 and future versions.

Thus, we can see that the different facets of the project have taken him from one place to another and to the common comparisons with military aircraft and training initiatives, such as the Pegasus PE-210A of Oaxaca Aerospace or the Azteca A01-1 Project of the Army.
However, and no matter who was the first, the H1 is about to revive the Mexican history of aircraft manufacturing to be a product made by Mexican hands and to be offered for sale at a very competitive price.

"We are talking about small planes, for two people and for training, for surveillance; We have to start in Mexico to develop this technology and be 100% Mexican aircraft, "said the UNAQ official.

Finally, the director of the Centa anticipated that H2 is already under development -also conceived in the capital of Queretaro-, and that it could have capacity for 4 people and serve as a private transport plane.

"The Centa has worked from the beginning with a view to supporting this aeronautical industry: today is the time for the aeronautical sector to stop being a series of isolated projects and become a national strategy," said Felipe Rubio.

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FAMEX 2019

not an aircraft but presented at FAMEX 2019, The Yagu
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NEW DRONES BY HYDRA AND THE HALCON 2 AT FAMEX 2019 ; and a new rocket system
The BV-01 project consists of the development, design, construction and integration of software and hardware in a set of subsystems of a prototype rocket, which can be launched from a test platform, propelled by solid fuel that allows to reach the essential characteristics of a rocket for tactical use for the SEMAR.
The system comprises an automated remote controlled vehicle equipped with a launch tower with two degrees of freedom, ability to launch rockets of 50mm and 70mm, built with composite body, nose and aluminum nozzle and powered by solid fuel medium Energy.
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Radar Tzinacan presented at FAMEX designed by SEDENA and CONACYT, first military radar designed in Mexico

and the AKXO a technology demonstrator for a single seat aerial vehicle designed by the mexican company AKXO
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Maintenance center for Ansat helicopters to open in Mexico in 2020
25.04.2019 / Mexico

The Mexican company Craft Avia Center in cooperation with the Russian Helicopters holding company (part of Rostec State Corporation) is planning to open a technical maintenance center for Ansat type civilian helicopters in the city of Guadalajara.

“The creation of a maintenance center for Ansat type helicopters in the Mexican city of Guadalajara is in active stage. The project is being implemented by Craft Avia Center in close cooperation with Russian Helicopters. The center will start its operation in 2020", said the Deputy Director General for Aftersales Services of Russian Helicopters, Igor Chechikov.

Representatives of the holding held corresponding negotiations with their Mexican partners during the third international aerospace show FAMEX 2019, held in the Santa Lucia air base close to Mexico’s capital. With the support of Russian Helicopters, the center will be equipped with the required documentation and technology. Training of Mexican technical service engineers is also planned. The first Ansat helicopter will be delivered to Mexico for Craft Avia Center in 2019.

“We have long and successful relations of cooperation in the field of helicopter construction with our Mexican partners. Around 50 Russian-made Mi-17 type helicopters are successfully operated here. Rostec is focused on both strengthening our cooperation with Mexico and developing long-term relations with the whole region of Latin America. Creating the maintenance center for Russian Ansat helicopter is a significant step forwards in this path”, pointed out Viktor Kladov, Director for International Cooperation and Regional Policy of Rostec. He added: “I’m confident that the maintenance center will both strengthen and expand our cooperation in the field of aviation, as well as make the light Ansat helicopter more attractive to potential customers in both Mexico and Latin America in general”.

During 2014-2015, Russian Helicopters conducted successful overhauls of 19 helicopters operated by the Mexican Secretariat of National Defense. Currently the company is providing comprehensive after-sales support maintaining the whole fleet of Mi-17 helicopters operated in the territory of Mexico.

The light multi-purpose helicopter Ansat, which has the largest cabin within its class, is actively used by the Russian air medical services. This twin-engine helicopter has compact size and does not require a large landing area. It can also be used for normal passenger and VIP transport, cargo delivery and environmental monitoring. Ansat has been successfully tested for high-altitude operations, confirming that it can be used in mountainous areas with altitudes up to 3,500 meters.

The multi-purpose helicopter Mi-17-1V is one of the modifications of the Mi-17 type, designed by the Mil Moscow Helicopter Plant, a subsidiary of the Russian Helicopters holding company. Good performance characteristics, ease of operation and reliability have made these helicopters popular throughout the world. Mi-17-1V has a top speed of 250 km/h and maximum flight range of over 600 kilometers. It can carry up to 37 paratroopers. The civilian variant is widely used for cargo and passenger transport, firefighting and rescue operations.

The international aerospace show FAMEX takes place in Mexico once every two years. Russian Helicopters is a regular participant of the exhibition.

JSC Russian Helicopters (part of Rostec State Corporation) is one of the world leaders in helicopter industry, the only developer and manufacturer of helicopters in Russia. The holding company was established in 2007. The head office is located in Moscow. The holding company is comprised of five helicopter plants, two design bureaus, enterprises for production and maintenance of components, aircraft repair plants and a service company providing after-sales support in Russia and abroad. The buyers of the holding company's products include the Ministry of Defense of Russia, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, EMERCOM of Russia, and other state customers, Gazprom Avia and UTair airlines, as well as major Russian and foreign companies.

Rostec is a Russian State Corporation established in 2007 to promote the development, production and export of high-tech industrial products designed for civil and military applications. The Corporation comprises over 700 organizations that are currently part of eleven holding companies operating in the military-industrial complex and three holding companies working in civilian industry, as well as over 80 directly managed organizations. Rostec's portfolio includes well-known brands such as AVTOVAZ, KAMAZ, Kalashnikov Concern, Russian Helicopters, VSMPO AVISMA, UralVagonZavod, etc. Rostec companies are located in 60 constituent entities of the Russian Federation and supply products to more than 100 countries. The consolidated revenue of Rostec in 2017 amounted to RUB 1 trillion 589 billion rubles, while the consolidated net income and EBITDA amounted to 121 and 305 billion rubles, correspondingly. In 2017 the average salary in the Corporation was 46.8 thousand rubles. According to Rostec's strategy, the main objective of the Corporation is to ensure that Russia has a technological advantage in highly competitive global markets. Rostec's key objectives include the introduction of a new techno-economic paradigm and digitalization of Russian economy.

In the last FAMEX 2019, we were able to observe closely the Beriev 103 aircraft, surprisingly it had Mexican civil registration and was on display in FAMEX 2019, we could probably board the C-177 Globemaster III of the RCAF, a huge plane
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Pegaso P-400T with head designer Raúl Fernández, for training and light attack missions, it is rated for 7G overloads
V/STOL UAV espartano made by Conacyt and SEMAR to provide the mexican navy with a vertical take off and landing drone of mexican design
Negotiate to export pampa III to Mexico
APRIL 2019

Conversations also with Ecuador and Peru in the 3rd edition of the Mexico Aerospace Fair 2019. By Edgardo Aguilera

"Do not promise, specify and then communicate the results." It is the decision taken by the direction of the Argentine Aircraft Factory (FAdeA) in relation to the sale of Pampa III to the foreign military market. Antonio Beltramone, president of the state-owned aeronautical company, together with Fernando Sibilla, responsible for New Businesses, explored regional clients at the Mexico Aerospace Fair 2019 (FAMEX) that takes place during the days - he said yesterday - at the Santa Lucía Mexican Air Base.

The Air Force of the country is the organizer of the exhibition, and the military delegations of Ecuador and Peru become the most interested in the capabilities of FAdeA's flagship product: coach IA-63 Pampa III. With three aircraft of the series delivered to the Argentine Air Force and others to the production line, the team that manages the Pampa program head, Federico Bima Kronemann, now points to a set of five more devices, a cyclopean effort for the accounts of the Government. The Cordoba factory has several negotiation models to place the Pampa III, sale with logistic support and maintenance, sale with co-production, cofabrication of sets and even leasing operations (payment per hour); a format that gained space in the niche of training in the air forces of developed countries.

The Creole business delegation has a meeting with the president of the family, Brigadier General Rodolfo Rodríguez Quezada. The Mexican Army was a speaker at the International Congress of the Aeronautics, Defense and Space Industries that was held in Córdoba in 2018. They converted the need for an official program from the Argentine Ministry of Defense to invite them to test the plane and travel the facilities of FAdeA, one more step towards the objective of adding strengths and reaching a type of aeronautical complementation agreement between both nations. The coproduction could include in the interest of the parties, an asset that is held in the account is the Pampa power plant is manufactured in the Honeywell Aerospace facilities of Chihuahua, Mexico. The eventual technical cooperation between the Mexican Air Force and the Cordoba firm in the production of the Pampa is one more of the evaluations that were made. -fifty.

Two shipments of the national aeronautics, brigadiers Gustavo Testoni, deputy chief of the force and Roberto Andreasen, deputy chief of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, made up the Creole delegation. They messed up with some unfavorable comments about Pampa's production that fortunately is outside the conversations with foreign representatives.

The potential of pampa III interests you for two reasons, it is an airplane that meets the training standards. The factory from Cordoba studied the installation of a multifunction radar with air combat capabilities, ground attack and naval objectives. FAAA has an opportunity to focus on the place of the advanced trainer and to leverage local SMEs. All with a view to reaching economic balance this year. More clearly, that the taxpayer does not put more weight in his pocket to sustain the operation of the company.

In the third edition of the international business meeting of the aeronautical sector that will be carried out by the Secretariat of National Defense of Mexico, there will be more than 600 signatures from the global aviation and space industry, including Boeing, Airbus, Safran, Thales , Bell Helicopter, Defense Technology Team (DTE), CATIC, Embraer and Rosoboronexport. Argentina was present in a stand shared by public companies; FAdeA, Invap and private, Creole SMEs of high industrial complexity nucleated in the Argentinean Aeronautics and Space Chamber (CArAE).

Buy Argentine Law and the Supplier Development Program. This is the key to the development of the industry. 20% of the total value of the contract. Spokesmen
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EMBRAER E195-E2 Granted Certification by ANAC, FAA and EASA

São José dos Campos, Brazil, April 15, 2019 – At a ceremony held today at the Company's facilities in São José dos Campos, EMBRAER received the Type Certificate for the E195-E2 from three regulatory authorities:

- ANAC, the Brazilian Civil Aviation Agency (Agência Nacional de Aviação Civil);
- FAA (U.S. Federal Aviation Administration), and,
- EASA (European Aviation Safety Agency).

The E195-E2 is the biggest of the three members of the E-Jets E2 family of commercial airplanes and the largest commercial aircraft Embraer has ever made.

“Just like the E190-E2, we once again obtained type certification simultaneously from three major world regulatory authorities,” said Paulo Cesar de Souza e Silva, EMBRAER President & CEO. “This is another great achievement from our engineering and program teams. They’ve built, and now have certification for, the most efficient single-aisle jet on the market. And they’ve done it again right on schedule and exceeding specification.”

“Our flight tests confirmed that the aircraft is better than its original specification. Fuel consumption is 1.4% lower than expected - that’s 25.4% less fuel per seat compared to the current-generation E195. Maintenance costs are 20% lower,” said John Slattery, President & CEO, EMBRAER Commercial Aviation. “There’s no question that airlines are going to love this airplane’s economics. The E195-E2 is the ideal aircraft for growing regional business and complementing existing low-cost and mainline fleets.”

The E195-E2 will enter service in the second half of 2019 with Azul Linhas Aéreas Brasileiras S.A. Binter Canarias, of Spain, will also receive its first E195-E2 in 2019. Embraer used two prototype aircraft in the E195-E2 certification campaign, one for aerodynamic and performance tests, the other for the interior and validation of maintenance tasks.

to read more

Embraer Board Selects New President and CEO
Election will be held after the General Shareholders' Meeting scheduled for April 22
São Paulo, Brazil, April 9, 2019 – Further to the succession process, which started last March, Embraer announces that the nomination of Francisco Gomes Neto, current President of Marcopolo, will be presented to the Board of Directors for the position of President and CEO, succeeding Paulo Cesar de Souza e Silva. The election will be held during the Board meeting, after the General Shareholders' Meeting scheduled for April 22.

With an Electrical Engineering degree, a specialization in Business Administration and an MBA in Controllership and Finance, Francisco Gomes Neto built his career in the automotive industry, holding CEO positions over the last 20 years, both in Brazil and in the United States. Over the past three years, he has served as CEO of Marcopolo, in which he successfully led the company's transformation, generating strong sales growth and market value for the business. Previously, he was the CEO Americas for Mann+Hummel and President of Knorr Bremse (global leader in control systems for commercial vehicles), among other leadership positions. to read more
Argentina will pay Bolivia with a Pampa III aircraft if it sells more gas than agreed

CORDOVA. At today's meeting of Mauricio Macri with his partner Evo Morales, the offer to deliver an IA 63 Pampa III aircraft will be closed in exchange for Bolivia not reducing the volume of gas imported by Argentina in the months of greatest demand (May to September). In February, both countries signed an addendum to the current contract until 2026 and a different pricing and quantity scheme was established, with more seasonality in deliveries for this year and next. Argentina will save US $ 460 million in that period.

The agreement involves the delivery of a Pampa III airplane manufactured in Fadea in the event of an over-performance of the contract in 45 million cubic meters during the five months of greatest demand.

The price of the plane is in the range of US $ 12 million and, according to sources confirmed by Fadea to LA NACION, it is in a position to deliver it within a "reasonable" time frame. Today in Córdoba there are three in production for the Argentine Air Force and a fourth in conditions to be completed in the short term.

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Chihuahua has 25% of aeronautical plants
They operate with 98 percent of engineers born in the state

Samara Martínez and Adriana Saucedo / Photographs: Alberto Hierro

Chihuahua, Chih.- Chihuahua has established itself as one of the largest in the aviation industry nationwide, since with 25% of aerospace plants in the country, the state serves as a national example, as the capital is within the First ten cities worldwide in strategy of attraction of investments and competitiveness of costs in the field, as explained by the Intelligence Unit of the British newspaper Financial Times.

The aeronautical industry of Chihuahua has an exponential growth, because despite its youth it has achieved, in less than a decade, to position a competitive and quality structure worldwide, according to Luis Lizcano, general director of the Mexican Federation. of the Aerospace Industry (Femia).

In the global scheme, Mexico is ranked number 12 in exports worldwide, developing in the country all areas of an aircraft, from landing gear, turbines and interiors, to structures and maintenance, taking into account that of the 300 industrial facilities that are in the country, most are located in the states of Baja California, Sonora, Nuevo Leon, Queretaro and Chihuahua.

According to Tania Espinoza, from the Chihuahua Aircraft Cluster, the state currently has 40 operations, which generates a large number of jobs for Chihuahua, as the president of the Aerospace Cluster, René Espinoza, says that 98% of its engineers are local.

In Chihuahua, the Aerospace Cluster has generated more than 17 thousand jobs since 2008, and currently exports more than 1,500 million dollars annually. In addition, the state ranks second in cumulative foreign investment from 2013 to 2018, which was 331 million dollars.

One of the aerospace companies in the state is Fokker / GKN Aerospace, which is a success story of the Chihuahua industry, since it manufactures aerospace parts from Gulfstream, Cessna, Airbus, Dassault, Boeing aircraft and exports to the United States, Canada and some countries. of Europe. Currently, Fokker Chihuahua has about 150 employees and contemplates the construction of a new plant in the city for the following year.

Another great operation where turbine components are manufactured is Honeywell Aerospace, with more than 1,140 machines and equipment installed. Likewise, Bell Helicopter, assembles 60 percent of the Bell 407 and 429 helicopters and the companies Cessna and Beechcraft, known today as Textron Aviation, assemble a large part of the fuselage of its various aircraft models.

On the other hand, last February the National Council of Science and Technology (Conacyt) invested 143.5 million pesos for the creation of seven specialized laboratories for the aerospace industry, of which one will be in Chihuahua in charge of the Chihuahuan company HT -MX

The education sector is another reason why the state excels in the aeronautical industry, since four international quality universities are located in the territory, offering careers focused on preparing professionals in the aeronautical industry with different job profiles, from the mechanics to interior design and airport management.

During the last years, Chihuahua students have stood out, representing Mexico in international competitions, demonstrating their skills to students from universities in India, the United States, Canada and the United Arab Emirates. In addition, the Innovation Park of Universidad La Salle Chihuahua maintains a collaboration with the company Soisa Aircraft Interiors, dedicated to the design and manufacture of interiors, with which the Ergonomic Simulation Laboratory was created to evaluate the comfort of the passenger when using the cushions of aircraft, designed and manufactured by the company Soisa.


· Honeywell

· Cessna

· Beechcraft

· Bell Helicopter

· EZ Air, which develops a project together with Embraer and Zodiac

· Fokker GKN Aerospace Mexico


· High precision machining

· Harnesses

· Seats

· Aeroparts

· Aerostructures

· Slides and rafts

· Thermal treatments

· Turbines


The aerospace industry in Mexico (location and distribution)

Source: General Directorate of Heavy Industries and High Technology and FEMIA

· Sonora (48)

· Chihuahua (30)

· Coahuila (7)

· Nuevo León (30)

· Tamaulipas (11)

· San Luis Potosí (5)

· Querétaro (38)

· Yucatán (3)

· Puebla (2)

· Hidalgo (1)

· Mexico City (10)

· State of Mexico (11)

· Guanajuato (3)

· Jalisco (10)

· Aguascalientes (1)

· Zacatecas (1)

· Durango (1)

· Baja California (58)


· Autonomous University of Chihuahua, Aerospace Engineering.

· Polytechnic University of Chihuahua, Aeronautical Engineering. Students represented Mexico in the Supermileage, organized by the Society of Automotive and Aeronautical Engineers (SAE), which will be held in June 2019 in the city of Marshall, Michigan, competing against universities in the United States, Canada, Lebanon, Emirates Arabs and Qatar.

· Universidad Regional del Norte, Chihuahua campus, Bachelor in Management and Administration of Airports and Air Business.

Taught in collaboration with Airports and Auxiliary Services, through its International Training Center (CIIASA)

· Autonomous University of Ciudad Juárez, Aeronautical Engineering.

A total of 15 students represented Mexico in the SAE Aero Design, in the international stage.

· La Salle University, Chihuahua.

The Ergonomic Simulation Laboratory was created to evaluate the comfort of the passenger when using the airplane cushions, designed and manufactured by the company Sois Aircraft Interiors.
Ribeirão Preto, April 29, 2019 - Embraer participates in Agrishow 2019 with a series of solutions for Brazilian agribusiness, reaffirming its commitment to contribute to the development of a more efficient agricultural production in the country. The Ipanema, a leader in the segment in Brazil, technology integration services for field optimization and the Executive Legacy 500 jet, an important business tool for the sector, are highlights of the Company's participation this year.

Ipanema, powered by renewable energy (ethanol), guarantees more agility, efficiency and productivity, as well as lower costs in relation to aviation fuel. With 60% market share, the aircraft recently reached the mark of 1,400 units sold.


"The role of agribusiness in the national economy has a positive impact on other sectors, such as the aeronautics industry. Throughout its history, Embraer has been present in this sector with high technology products, strengthening precision agriculture. Embraer has been a leader in the agricultural aviation market for decades and recently strengthened its commitment to the industry through the launch of Ipanema 203, "says Alexandre Solis, director of the Embraer Production Unit in Botucatu, where the aircraft is manufactured.

Used mainly in the spraying of fertilizers and agricultural pesticides, Ipanema avoids losses by kneading the crop and makes operations in regions with uneven terrain flexible. The aircraft also has application in sowing activities, vector and larval control, fire fighting and river settlement.

The current Ipanema model, launched in 2015, has a wing span of 13,30 meters and hooper (a compartment where the agricultural components are stored) with a capacity of 1,050 liters in volume. The new technologies allow spraying with sub - metric precision thanks to the implementation of laser altimeter, flow control and automatic opening and closing of the spray nozzles using the differential GPS - DGPS system. The winglets were redesigned, increasing control and improving spray efficiency, reaching a range of up to 24 meters with excellent deposition quality.

The aircraft has a new air-conditioning system, seatbelt with airbag and higher cabin, with new ergonomic concept. The control levers and pedals have also been modified, with softer angles, which allow for even more precise controls.

Mexico / 13.05.2019 16:17:11
The company Delastek announced the start of a second stage of construction of its plant installed in the Parque Industrial Advance Querétaro, which is expected to increase economic growth and aeronautical development in the state.

Operations in Querétaro began in 2016 with an investment of 5 million dollars, and generated an estimated 50 new jobs in the industry.

The Canadian firm said in a statement that it plans a new investment of 3 million dollars by 2019, which will give it the opportunity to offer more jobs and work with the vision of increasing sales for the Mexican market in the aerospace industry.

For its new stage, Delastek announced the purchase of an autoclave and automated seven-axis robots to make composite materials and the acquisition of two CNC 4 axes to make the machining of aluminum parts, which will increase their current production and continue to serve clients like Bombardier.

During the visit of Governor Francisco Domínguez Servién to Canadian lands last March, the new stage of the project materialized and stressed that the expansion of Deslastek will mean a significant increase in the number of workers related to the production of aircraft cabins in Querétaro .

"It is a pleasure to come to Shawinigan (Canada) and to note the great confidence that Delastek has towards Querétaro," the governor said.

In the last five years, the aerospace sector has led the economic development of the State, with an average growth of 17 percent per year.

According to the Secretariat of Sustainable Development of the State of Querétaro, the aerospace industry registers the highest growth of the sector in the country, thanks to factors such as education, the development of local suppliers, joint ventures and the promotion of innovation and development. technological.

Delastek, which since 1984 has been dedicated to the production of cabins for aircraft, composite materials, aluminum and plastics, now opens a new opportunity for Querétaro to continue increasing its competitive advantage in this sector nationwide.
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The EMBRAER Praetor 600 set a reach record
05/14/2019 General Aviation, Featured, News

The new Embraer Praetor 600, made a historic Non-Stop flight between São Paulo and Fort Lauderdale, registering a new reach record in the Super-Midsize segment
The Embraer Praetor 600 is the most disruptive and technologically advanced aircraft of the Super-Midsize segment, it has recently received the certification of the Civil Aviation Authority of Brazil (ANAC - National Civil Aviation Agency).
Hypersonic Vehicles

The Brazilian hypersonic airplane project continues on schedule.

If there are no setbacks, the Brazilian Air Force will conduct the first flight test within two years. This test will involve the test of the first hypersonic aeronautical engine made in the country.

The test integrates a broader project whose aim is to dominate the development cycle of hypersonic vehicles, which fly at least five times the speed of sound, or Mach 5 - Mach is a unit of velocity measurement corresponding to about 1,200 kilometers per hour (km / h).

The program is coordinated by the Institute of Advanced Studies (IEAv), one of the research centers of the Department of Aerospace Science and Technology (DCTA) of FAB, in partnership with Orbital Engenharia, both of São José dos Campos (SP).

The Institute of Advanced Studies (IEAv), unit of the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) in São José dos Campos (SP), received the documentation of the SCRamjet 14-X S Technological Demonstrator Detailed Project, delivered by Orbital. This is the final contractual phase of the project, which aims to develop an aspirated hypersonic engine - that is, capable of making vehicles fly at more than 6,000 km / h, using atmospheric oxygen itself to burn fuel.

The SCRamjet (Supersonic Combustion Ramjet) is the name given to the engine, whose technology has advantages such as payload space gain, total takeoff weight reduction and the amount of fuel required for operation.

This month, the contracted company is holding a series of meetings with experts from the IEAv itself, the Institute of Aeronautics and Space (IAE), the Alcântara Launch Center (CLA), the Institute of Industrial Development and Coordination (IFI) and the Department of Aerospace Science and Technology (DCTA), to review the detailed design, evaluating and ratifying the existing information.

"Finally, we are about to say that we have reached the expected state, as projected, of all subsystems of the Scramjet 14-XS demonstrator, which will still be revised, so that we can begin manufacturing, qualification and integration, which will take place this year 2019, "comments project manager 14-X, Israel Rêgo.

For the IEAv Director, Colonel Aviador Lester de Abreu Faria, the 14-X project, named in honor of the centennial in 2016, of the first 14-Bis flight, will put Brazil in a select group of countries. "We are getting closer and closer to breaking this technological barrier of hypersonic propulsion, which today is a differential in the world.

With the passing of this stage, Brazil is among the largest and most developed world powers, demonstrating that the domain of high technology and disruptive technologies are part of our capabilities and skills, "said the official.

In 2020, the FAB will conduct the first in-flight test to demonstrate and operationalize the aspirated hypersonic propulsion technology, which will have both civilian and military applications.

Embraer to become Boeing Brasil – Commercial
Image : Agência Brasil

Once the takeover by Boeing is enforced, the commercial division of Embraer will be renamed Boeing Brasil – Commercial.

This will conclude the sale of an 80% stake in Embraer commercial aviation activities, including aftermarket support services, to Boeing for $4.2 billion. The transaction should be approved by competition authorities by the end of the year.

While the historical name of the Brazilian company should disappear, Boeing has not yet announced if their newly acquired catalog would also see some transformations. Currently, all aircraft bear the name Embraer followed by a code (from E170 to E195-E2).

Following the similar acquisition by Airbus of the Bombardier’s CSeries division, the European manufacturer renamed the family “A220” in order to fit more with the rest of their catalog.

The Brazilian planemaker intends to keep its defense and executive jet business units and associated services operations. However, the two manufacturers since agreed on a second joint venture in which Embraer should hold a 51% and Boeing the remaining 49%. This other company should continue developing the KC-390 tactical transport and inflight refueling aircraft. The first KC-390 is due to be delivered to Portugal during the Paris Air Show.

Embraer is the abbreviation of Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica or Brazilian aeronautics company. Its foundation dates back to 1969 as a state-owned corporation prior to its privatization in 1994.
Hmm, the home base of the famous hit man...
Antonov Chigurh.

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