latest build Altair lunar lander. And finished pics.


1 April 2013
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HI,Thought i,d show you the start of my current build,the altair lunar lander,i think was designed for the jupiter/constellation programme,i got some pics of the nasa site ,and started..

roughly where im trying to go?

starting with this,

if you want the build,just say as i have the build pics,

this is as far as i am...

but it is changing as i go along???

so we will see where this ends up???thanks for looking

cheers Don

as of today?

Re: latest build Altair lunar lander.

HI,Glad it meets with your approval,did a little bit more yesterday,more today though,heres where i am.
hab/ascent module

putting some mesh on the platform

glad your finding it intresting..

cheers Don
Re: latest build Altair lunar lander.

Wow interesting model!
Re: latest build Altair lunar lander.

blackkite said:
Wow interesting model!

thanks,its getting a bit boring now,,need to finish it ,and start something else?.ive had a few design changes with the hab module,here it is as of today..hope you like it..

need a few more days on it,to get it finished,thanks for your intrest,cheers Don,aka jetboy
Re: latest build Altair lunar lander.

hi, Almost finished, heres as of this week,for your perusal,i will post finished pics later.?,and thanks for your intrest,

cheers. Don, aka jetboy
Re: latest build Altair lunar lander.

hello, finished decalling the lander last night,just a few things to finish,the base for one,it,ll be done tonight?,heres some pics of the altair lander,ghia version....

descent stage,getting varnished..

the extra bits i had to make for it,ie a lunar loader/unloader from parts of previously landed automated cargo vessels

hab/ascent module

both together


finished pics tommorrow,and thanks for looking..

Re: latest build Altair lunar lander.

Good job, that's quite an impressive model. What scale is it?
Re: latest build Altair lunar lander.

Hobbes said:
Good job, that's quite an impressive model. What scale is it?

hi hobbes,it was meant to be for around 1/72,but to be honest it was made,from just looking at the few pics i had,and gauging the size of the ladder,really?

hello,and thanks to all for your intrest and looking,heres the finished pics,though i still have some bits to finish on the base,so the base is not as it will be..

here we go..

view from low orbit..

view of docking facility,for the orion capsule?

heres the ascent module,leaving please feel free to make associated thrust noises/roars, ido,cannot help it ,its inbuilt/hard wired to the brain?

the ascent engine

the landing 4

the platform is left behind for reuse as a habitat site,with the addition of auto landed modules,

pics i used,i got close,but went for a coupe version?

and here it is with the auto lander,and rover

and the next one involves building another platform and a habitat module with a very large solar array attached,which is ongoing now..

using this,as my plan

and this for the auto lander,with crane,and low loader?

so thanks for your intrest,and comments,and thanks for looking,its pointless my making it if no one sees it?

and as its that time of year nearly,best wishes of the season,and have a very secret new year.

cheers Don
Great work... looks AWESOME!

Where you getting the plastic "DIRECT" Jupiter 240 cores in the pic up the thread aways??

Later! OL JR :)

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