Late Christmas Present (for '40's/'50's) RAF Buffs


ACCESS: Confidential
18 February 2009
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OK, this is a bit of a ramble - i'm prone to that ;)
Some years ago, i was given this:

R.A. Beaumont [ed] (1940's-1950's ???)
Aeronautical Engineering; a practical guide for everyone connected with the aircraft industry
Odhams Press Limited, Long Acre, London, W.C2

... as a late Christmas present. Judging by the content, i reckon it's from the 1940's [the paper has a very high wood content; also, mention of Jet engines is completely absent. Can anybody "clue me up upon this?"] - but as some of the front pages are missing, i can't be 100% sure. It may, more likely, be from the 1950's; but, be that as it may - and despite the fact that it is decidedly not about "Secret Projects" as such - it provides a fascinating historical insight into what RAF mechanics were expected to learn [Hence, posting this in the Bar].

I did offer it as a loan to a good friend [and fellow aircraft buff] to scan, cover to cover, but he declined, thoughtfully pointing out that this was likely to destroy the spine of the book [ :-[ i hadn't thought of that at the time. The paper is rather brittle].
Anyhoo, i've included one of the illustrations - a Bristol Centaurus diagram - from the (particularly interesting)
Ch. 6. [Apologies for the poor image quality, BTW; my scanner in't yet up and running, so i've had to resort to photographing the book. Also, i'm a bit iffy about the possible copyright issues that might arise]. Enjoy :)


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