Last SR-71 Pilots


ACCESS: Restricted
18 August 2009
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I am curious to know when the USAF stopped selecting new pilots to fly the SR-71? Considering, the aircraft was flown last in 1990, so I assume it would be in the late eighties, correct?
PNorwood said:
I am curious to know when the USAF stopped selecting new pilots to fly the SR-71? Considering, the aircraft was flown last in 1990, so I assume it would be in the late eighties, correct?

The SR-71 was last flown by USAF in 1997. There were two crews from the '80s program involved with the restored program initially (one of the RSOs was the last person to have ever ejected from an SR-71), and another crew had been checked out. In fact, if I remember correctly, the last USAF flight before Clinton line-item vetoed the program, was flown by that crew. Another crew had been selected, and at least the new pilot was already in transit to begin training when the sudden veto hit. A few more personnel were under consideration at the time. New selections had to be made because the crews from the '80s program would not be able to continue flying that many more years, and also in preparation for some expansion. The next SR that was to be restored had already been brought out of the desert and funding was in the FY98 budget to start work on it.
PNorwood said:
When was the last set of SR-71 pilots selected before the 1990 cancellation?

The last pilot in April, 1989, last RSO April, 1988. Actually, those are checkout dates. I don't know the date they were originally selected.

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