Large Missileer ID?

Mark Nankivil

ACCESS: Top Secret
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13 June 2007
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From the Gerald Balzer collection was this slide of artwork for a large NAA missileer design - any ideas to what program this was meant for and a designation? Quite sure it is NAA since the whole box of slides were NAA related but....

Thanks! Mark


  • zNorth American Aviation Missileer Artwork.jpg
    zNorth American Aviation Missileer Artwork.jpg
    515.9 KB · Views: 150
There's a similar large missileer by Northrop in Tony Chong's Flying Wings and Radical Things I think? Will check when I get home.
Greetings All -

From the Gerald Balzer collection was this slide of artwork for a large NAA missileer design - any ideas to what program this was meant for and a designation? Quite sure it is NAA since the whole box of slides were NAA related but....

Thanks! Mark
Funky engines, they look like aft-fan turbofans?
Greetings All -

From the Gerald Balzer collection was this slide of artwork for a large NAA missileer design - any ideas to what program this was meant for and a designation? Quite sure it is NAA since the whole box of slides were NAA related but....

Thanks! Mark
Funky engines, they look like aft-fan turbofans?
Aft-fans were a 'next big thing' in the mid-to-late 60s, but didn't pan out.
Greetings All -

From the Gerald Balzer collection was this slide of artwork for a large NAA missileer design - any ideas to what program this was meant for and a designation? Quite sure it is NAA since the whole box of slides were NAA related but....

Thanks! Mark
Funky engines, they look like aft-fan turbofans?
Aft-fans were a 'next big thing' in the mid-to-late 60s, but didn't pan out.
Aft fans were possible to create from existing single shaft turbojets. CJ805-23 was basically a J79 followed by a rear fan driven by its own turbine stage. It worked ok.

Happened on this pic just now -

Aft-fan Caravelle.JPG

With twin spool engines taking over, it made sense to put the fan at the front where it supercharged air into the engine core.
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What springs to mind is the USAF Project ‘AERIE’ of 1957. Assuming that the big nose contains something like an AN/APQ-81.

Project ‘AERIE’ was a modified Boeing C-135A acting as a self contained weapons platform, equipped with a powerful air-search radar, its own airborne command centre and armed with no less than 24 AAM-N-10 Eagle Long-range AAM`s.

The Northrop design I was thinking of is "Multipurpose BLC Airplane" P.155 which in one version was armed with up to "24 long range air to air missiles" in an internal bay from 1959-1963 period.
Greetings All -

From the Gerald Balzer collection was this slide of artwork for a large NAA missileer design - any ideas to what program this was meant for and a designation? Quite sure it is NAA since the whole box of slides were NAA related but....

Thanks! Mark
Used those funky engines with the fan on the back. (Also used by Convair.)

main-qimg-6d8bbf8710a411ca262e98d9dc6abea5.png Fig1-4-Aft-Fan-TFEcourtesy-of-GE-CF700.png

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