Large flakturms/flak tower batteries


Big Wingy Thingy
15 July 2018
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I'm not entirely sure if this would go here since it's a building project rather than a land vehicle, but I thought It was the best place to ask...

According to the Wikipedia article on flak towers:

The evaluation of even larger Battery Towers was commissioned by Adolf Hitler. These would have been three times the size and firepower of flak towers.

Is anyone here knowledgeable on these proposals? Were official plans ever drawn up for them? If I were to guess I would imagine that they intended to put 24 cm Gerät 80s or 85s on them as few other uses probably existed. The fact that some 15 cm prototype FlaK guns were described as fortress weapons also seems to imply usage in large flakturms as well.

I'd appreciate any and all information on this subject!
Nothing about even bigger Flaktürme, than those actually built, which were (the biggest examples)
armed with the 12,8 cm Zwilingsflak 40. But it should be noted, that from summer 1943, the construction
of those Flak-towers was drastically reduced from originally planned numbers, because of shortages
of raw materials. So even the tested types were built in lower numbers, than originally planned. I have no
original source, but it's mentioned (e.g. here )
that after the first air attack on Berlin by the RAF A.H. himself not only ordered those defensive buildings,
but even made own designs ... Maybe those designs may have been a source of even bigger ones, than
actually built ?
Construction of such Flak-towers was a monumental task back then (and probably still is today), especially
as they were built directly in inner cities, so often on limited area.
The maximum load of the building ground was unknown, so so-called "Belastungskörper" (test loads) were
built. The one in Berlin mostly is mentioned only in relation to the gigantic Hall "Germania", but should in fact
give results for the Flak-towers, too.
Actually air defence was only one task of hose buildings, which were intended as air raid shelters from the
start. And with growing experience with air raids, civil defence moved more and more away from aboveground
to underground shelters.
For those of you visiting Berlin, I really recommend taking a tour through the "Humboldhain Flak-Bunker",
one of the 3 Flak-towers in Berlin. Partially, but not really successful destroyed, it's a really impressive tour,
still giving a good idea of the vast amount of resources needed, for what turned out to be quite limited
success with regards to air defence.
I'm also curious about small flak-towers (I've seen much less information on those).

P.S. Purely speculative, but I suspect that the largest flak tower ever proposed was the Paris defence tower...

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