Land/sea launch versions of Maverick


ACCESS: Confidential
13 August 2010
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Does anyone knows if any land or sea launch version of AGM-65 Maverick had ever been considered?I had always that kind of question in my mind.
While it seems a natural for things like small fast attack craft, especially the versions with the heavier warheads, the main problem I see is target designation. I can't recall to what extent the later versions have lock-on-after-launch capacity, but at some stage a human operator is going to have to guide the missile in, either by indicating a particular target for the IR/visual seeker or painting it with a laser. This turns it into a line-of-sight weapon with a necessarily short range, unless you're arming a large ship with tall masts that can designate or maintain data link contact beyond the sea-level horizon. In which case, why not just fit Harpoon or something similar?

In relatively confined waters (e.g. Suez Canal) and approaches, it might be useful as a potential system to arm merchant ships against second-line destroyers, fast attack craft and land-based ASM batteries.

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