Land-based M5 - French S3 missile replacement

Forest Green

ACCESS: Above Top Secret
11 June 2019
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It is mentioned here:

The S3 were originally planned to be replaced around 2005 by a land-based version of the M5, the submarine missile planned at the time. As the M5 project was itself delayed and eventually cancelled in favour of the M51, in 1994, the replacement was rescheduled to be a land-based version of the M45.[citation needed] The 18 S3D missile silos were deactivated in September 1996, and within two years and after an expenditure of US$77.5 million, the silos and related facilities were fully dismantled.[2] They would not be replaced.

Any more information anywhere?
After the collapse of USSR, every politician in the West wanted a "peace dividend". As part of this, François Mitterand and then Jacques Chirac deactivated all the French surface-to-surface nuclear deterrence force.
The Hadès mobile missiles and the plateau d'Albion fixed ones.
France must feel so much safer today because of that decision...
It wasn't until 1998 that the decision was made, I thought there might be some preliminary drawings or information, or was it just to literally be an M5/M51 launched from land? Heck, what did the M5 look like? All I know is that it was supposed to have more range than the M51.
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