Lambda Wing


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29 February 2024
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I'm wondering what the internal layout of the MQ28 Ghost Bat wing would look like as a Lambda Wing. I understand the low RCS implication, but why is it the only UCAV which has opted for this wing shape? XQ-58, XQ-67 are all straight high AR simple. 1711548781178.png
I'm wondering what the internal layout of the MQ28 Ghost Bat wing would look like as a Lambda Wing. I understand the low RCS implication, but why is it the only UCAV which has opted for this wing shape? XQ-58, XQ-67 are all straight high AR simple.

The wing of an XQ-58 is not so straight.

It is as written by Lockheed Martin.
A straight wing provide usually a high AR. And a high AR provide a high L/D. A high L/D gives a good range.

As soon as the aircraft goes transsonic, the wing need a sweep angle to reduce the drag.

But with a sweeped wing, the inner part of the wing has high structural loads, especially by flying with high G numbers. And this require a lof of material and finally weight. So moving the kink more outside is a good approach, if the range requirement accept this.
Further, this maybe help against effects like the saber dance.
I don't agree that it saves weight, its structurally inefficient to break the rear spar line, and this design actually hence introduces a structural weight penalty. Despite the root being much wider in ratio to the tip.

The trade-off is a higher AR, higher cruise and manoeuvre L/D.

In regard to the Sabre Dance, the problem being the tip stalling first (far aft of the CG) causing that deadly pitch up moment at low speeds. The lambda wing might alleviate this as the root still generates lift at the same longitudinal location where the tip has stalled - retaining the balance. Wow I didn't think of this.

So you can vary the area and and AR with a constant chord. Sweep a bit more without worrying. A very flexible planform if the wing has to come off and squeeze into a container with the fuse.


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I'm wondering what the internal layout of the MQ28 Ghost Bat wing would look like as a Lambda Wing.
To create the internal structure of the Lambda Wing, you can imagine the wing being separated at the cutting line. This means that two wing halves are considered. (Inner wing half and outer wing half) The rib profiles on the cutting line have the same shape. The wing spar is continuous from the root rib of the inner wing half to the end rib of the outer wing half. That's how I imagine it could be.
Internal lambda wing strukture.jpg
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