La quête du haut supersonique chez Sud Aviation : le Trident from Artipresse

JC Carbonel

ACCESS: Secret
7 September 2006
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Book completed ! Layout completed ! Publication should be soon ...

Will include every design from the SO 10 000 which inspired the Trident to the IM-3 Trident IV. DeVer , Ramjet powered variant, drone version will be discussed.
Coverage also includes Trident-inspired model kits, novel etc...
Captions in English, 1/72 plans of all major variants (including unbuilt ones) , colour profiles of significant machines plus "what-if" to illustrate what an operational Trident could have been.

And a first look inside :) :
Thank you for posting the inner pages.
And the cover by Alain Bernhard:


I had hoped for something more "operational" but was turned down by the publisher who wished to stick to "reality".

Good news,

and I hope to see a little known Trident variants,such as ; Type-III,Type-IV and Twin
Type III : including sub variants : photos, sketches, 1/72 plans, whatif profile
Type IV : (EM-3 / IM-3) : sketches , 1/72 plan
"Vilet" : sketch, 1/72 plan
"DeVer" : photos, sketches, 1/72 (approx) plan
"Twin trident" : sketch, 1/72 plan
remote-control Trident : windtunnel model photos, 1/72 plan
SO-10000 : sketch , 1/72 plan
Ramjet Trident : sketch, windtunnel model photo, 1/72 (approx) plan

Brilliant and cool,JCC ;

although I have most of those Projects,but I want to watch them again,specially in
Modelling form.
My copy arrived today - a really well-illustrated publication!

What will be your next book (except for SPF volume II)? Can you give us a little foretaste of what is to come?
Thank you for the nice comments.

the two next 2017 books should be :
- le Nord 500 et les hélices carénées chez Nord-Aviation (very project-orientated)
- US Navy "Blimps" in WW2 and beyond (not much in term of projects)

The book is very impressive - thank you, dear JC Carbonel, for it!
Tridan, with it's futuristic shape and advanced conception deserve such comprehensive and well-illustrated publication.

Slightly off topic... Are there any solutions and decisions, made in Trident design and development, later implemented in the next generations of mass-produced French aircraft?
considering that Sud was pushed off military aircraft there was no opportunity to apply anything learned on the Trident on further designs. However in project management, I understand that Sud had located the design office in prefab modules inside the hall where the aircraft prototypes were built, this could have been applied in any other project development be it civilian airliners or military fighters.

JC Carbonel said:
considering that Sud was pushed off military aircraft there was no opportunity to apply anything learned on the Trident on further designs. However in project management, I understand that Sud had located the design office in prefab modules inside the hall where the aircraft prototypes were built, this could have been applied in any other project development be it civilian airliners or military fighters.

Thanks for explanation, JCC!
Perhaps, the fact of accomplishing such complex project became (also indirect) a sign of growing capabilities of French aircraft industry?
As far as I understand nearly after the Trident program' cancellation Sud Ouest merged with SNCASE and Sud Aviation appears?
And, such transition from pre-war variety of companies to bigger one's has been a "request of the time"?

I should say, that Trident remains to me one of most distinctive examples of aircraft!
The merger between SE and SO into Sud happened during the life of the Trident (1 March 1957) The last known flight of a Trident occured on 6 october 1958

I just received the book today direct from Artipresse (in less than a week with the cheapest shipping option, France to USA - pretty amazing service!) and I must say that it is an outstanding book in every way. Copious photos and illustrations throughout of this experimental aircraft, including preliminary studies and unbuilt successors. Excellent scale drawings highlighting the differences between the various prototypes. Surprising number of color photos and artwork. Laminated hardcover with glossy paper. I think I like this more than French Secret Projects Vol. 1, and I loved that book! Hats off to Mr. Carbonel and his associates for producing such a beautiful volume on this '50s French classic!
Is there any chance of this one or your other books being fully translated into English?
That's not a question for an author my dear ! I would love to see my books translated in as many languages as possible. But that depends on publishers, not on authors. The best I could do is to insist to have English captions in Artipresse books.

Teaser : The next book will be a softcover about Nord-Aviation ducted-fan projects. Layouting should begin soon and I'll give it a proper thread then.

JC Carbonel said:
Teaser : The next book will be a softcover about Nord-Aviation ducted-fan projects. Layouting should begin soon and I'll give it a proper thread then.


Very good news,we hope to see N.500,N.501,N.510 & N.511 and their variants.

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