Hello guys,
I wonder if someone has some light to shed on this manufacturer`s project. It shares its RLM designation with the well-known Ta152, and is refered in "German Aircraft Industry and Production 1933-1945", page 286, by Ferenc Vajda and Peter Dancey.
I know that Hans Klemm had a difficult relationship with the RLM and despised the nazis and military aircraft, but the E63/64 projects are proof that something military was done at Klemm. Who knows?
I wonder if someone has some light to shed on this manufacturer`s project. It shares its RLM designation with the well-known Ta152, and is refered in "German Aircraft Industry and Production 1933-1945", page 286, by Ferenc Vajda and Peter Dancey.
I know that Hans Klemm had a difficult relationship with the RLM and despised the nazis and military aircraft, but the E63/64 projects are proof that something military was done at Klemm. Who knows?