Kleber/Marceau and Bayard-class destroyers, and the Vichy destroyer studies


ACCESS: Confidential
24 October 2021
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I've been looking for information on the Kleber class destroyers and their follow-ons online for a while. Today I got French Destroyers 1922-56, and while it didn't tell me much more about the Klebers, it did mention names for the "Type 1940" destroyers (Bayard and 5 others), and that these were intended to be an improved design. The only thing I had heard of this design previously is that it was meant to be "Kleber with improved AA armament". However, I am still not sure what the design process or final Kleber designs were even meant to be, let alone anything about the follow ones.
The book also mentioned that destroyer design continues after the armistice: there was planned a "Type 41" destroyer of 1642 tons and after that, 2767 and 3080 ton large fleet escort ships designated E42 and E43, respectively.

Can anyone shine more light onto any of these?
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I'm currently working on french never-where projects for the shipbucket and I will cover these destroyers (both pre-war and Vichy era). I will publish the info on them and my sources after i've published the shipbucket drawings first. I'm sorry if this seems bit arrogant but I've invested quite alot of time and money on the matter and nowadays the kids in our SB community just cherrypicks on these projects and spoils it, when old farts like I have spent all my life on researching these stuff...

Anyway I'm expecting my project to reach next publication date around spring 2024.

If you can't wait, these destroyer projects are covered in Marines & Forces navales n:eek: 110-111
I would be interested in better information on the LeHardi follow ons with DP guns.

Dave G
I'm currently working on french never-where projects for the shipbucket and I will cover these destroyers (both pre-war and Vichy era). I will publish the info on them and my sources after i've published the shipbucket drawings first. I'm sorry if this seems bit arrogant but I've invested quite alot of time and money on the matter and nowadays the kids in our SB community just cherrypicks on these projects and spoils it, when old farts like I have spent all my life on researching these stuff...

Anyway I'm expecting my project to reach next publication date around spring 2024.

If you can't wait, these destroyer projects are covered in Marines & Forces navales n:eek: 110-111
Hello gollevainen, I just remembered about this thread and I'm curious to know how your project is going? I'm sure a lot of people are looking forward to seeing the finished project, myself included ;).
(Although, there's no need to rush yourself on a project that you've spent so much time on either)
From Russia with love, Lesta's take on Projet T42 / E43.
Seems to be a mix of two designs below, with two funnels as in "Avant-projet" and torpedo tubes amidships as in "Version V".
E 43 V.png
E 43 avant projet.png
Well, and they also gave it a fourth turret. And a "hypothetical refit" with post-war radars, 57mm AA guns and 127mm main guns.
All in all, seems like another ship with more "Scarlet Thunder" drug fantasy than reality in it.

Still, I have to ask: maybe there WAS a E43 variant with four twin main gun mounts? From Shipbucket thread, I know that there were variants with four single or three twin 130mm guns, and several versions with four 115mm gun mounts (unclear whether they are single or twin).
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