Kinzhal + IRIAF F-14?


ACCESS: Top Secret
9 January 2010
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To distance for a bit from the current discussion and onto more of a theoretical question, @paralay can i ask if you think Kinzhal, or a similar missile, would fit under an F-14 such as Iran has? Thank you.
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There's fitting it and whether it can take the load. Certainly no record of the F-14s being able to carry a 4.3t load on a single pylon.
That may be the case, but as the MiG-31 was modified by removing/replacing the 4 R-33 launchers with 1 for Kinzhal, i suspect same might be possible on F-14 and it's AIM-54 launchers. Certainly the weight would be well within it's ability to lift isn't it?
The answer appears to be no.
No indication that any F-14 weapon mounting capable of supporting the necessary weight and more generally missile would need to fit within the central “tunnel” on the belly of the F-14 (between the engines/ engine air takes) which based on a quick glance appears highly unlikely.
That may be the case, but as the MiG-31 was modified by removing/replacing the 4 R-33 launchers with 1 for Kinzhal, i suspect same might be possible on F-14 and it's AIM-54 launchers. Certainly the weight would be well within it's ability to lift isn't it?
A MiG-31 is significantly bigger than an F-14. An F-15E would likely have a better chance.
4 * 462 kg = 1848 kg
The mass of the Dagger rocket is approximately 4000 kg, which is twice as heavy. The gaps between the rocket and the runway are minimal. The F-14 definitely won't be able to land with a suspended missel.
The advantage of the MiG-31 is the supersonic speed of the rocket launch, which significantly increases the capabilities of the complex.

Obviously, missel of a longer length and a smaller diameter can be made for a Tomket


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Thanks for your expert insight Paralay. So it appears the hypothetical iranian Kinzhal must be a bit smaller/longer/slimmer to fit, unless they could somehow tuck it in really close to the fuselage. Presumably the same applies for F-4 or Su-24? I see they could carry large size drop tanks hence including them here as well.
....and the launch vehicle is accelerated to orbital speed, while the duration of the pre-launch maneuver is 10-20 seconds, the trajectory angle is increased to 10-15 o, and the separation of the launch vehicle from the aircraft is carried out at an altitude of 16000-18000 m at a speed of more than 2000 km / h.


Are there any plans for Iran to receive Kinzhals ? And why can't they be used from the Su-35 ?
The Kinzhal needs to be fired supersonically, which the Su-35 can do. Alternatively, modified Su-24s could be used ?
It's just a theoretical exercise of mine for now, i was thinking if Iran was to build an Iskander type missile like DPRK has for instance, then a version of such missile could be mounted on iranian aircraft, like Russia did with the MiG-31/Kinzhal combo, and China too with the H-6/hypersonic missiles (D21/CM401?).
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