Kh-32 on Su-30SM


ACCESS: Secret
16 July 2020
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Not sure how a 12,000+ lb missile could be stuck under a flanker...

Russia is planning to modify its Su-30SM fighter jet to carry the Kh-32 air-to-surface missile. The Kh-32 will have a range of up to 1000km and would be able to strike targets without getting in range of defending jets.
Not sure how a 12,000+ lb missile could be stuck under a flanker...

Russia is planning to modify its Su-30SM fighter jet to carry the Kh-32 air-to-surface missile. The Kh-32 will have a range of up to 1000km and would be able to strike targets without getting in range of defending jets.

Any idea as to what hard points the Kh-32 missile will be fitted to the Su-30? I cannot see the missile getting fitted to the hard points under the intakes as it is a big missile.
I used drawing of Su-30MKM, but it is the same size


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Absolute bullshit, streaming from journos as usually lacking even remote understanding of topic they are writing about.
To my estimations the KH-32's wings would intersect with the aircraft's landing gear and then there's the upper vertical stabilizer that doesn't fold (unlike the lower one) so the whole thing would just scrape on the runway, not even taking into consideration CG issues and rotation upon take-off.


  • SU-30SM-KH32 front.jpg
    SU-30SM-KH32 front.jpg
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  • SU-30SM-KH32.jpg
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This is where the rumour started.
Names an 'adaptation Su' upgrade for Su-30Sm.
Not sure about the credibility of izvestia anyways.

Lol.. the Journo got it from Dmitry Kornev aka "DIMMI" the owner of MilitaryRussia web which doesnt even mention Su-30SM as potential carrier for the missile.
So not remotely realistic, before even contemplating what the load and drag would do to the carrier “flanker”, beyond the question of (successfully?) getting off a runway.
The journalist obviously took some liberties.
Albeit, something hypersonic delivering 500 lbs to 500 miles could be designed with existing technology and about half the weight(~ 6000 lbs).
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However, "Izvestia" can still please with the volcano erupted delirium.
This is a stream of delirium from the journalists of the Izvestia newspaper.
Apropos of nothing in particular, I recall that there was an old observation among certain outside observers that there was no pravda in "Izvestia", and there was no izvestia in "Pravda".

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