Kawanishi Kokuki Kabushiki Kaisha


Fight for yor Right!
14 January 2007
Reaction score
K. 1 Postflugzeug 1920
K. 2 Rennflugzeug 1921
K. 3 Verkehrsflugzeug 1921
K. 4
K. 5 Postflugzeug 1922
K. 6 Transportflugzeug 1923
K. 7 Seepostflugzeug 1924
K. 8 Transportflugzeug 1926
K. 9 Transportflugzeug Projekt 192?
K. 10 Transportflugzeug 1926
K. 11 Trägerjagdflugzeug 1927
K. 12 " Sakura " Rekordflugzeug 1927
K. 13
K. 14
K. 15
K. 16
K. 17
K. 18
K. 19
K. 20 ( N1K "Kyofu" ) Jagdflugzeug 1942
K. 21
K. 22
K. 23 ( H6K ) Mehrzweckflugboot 1936
Typ A
Typ B
Typ C
Typ D
Typ E ( Yokosuka K2Y ) Schulflugzeug 1930
Typ F ( H3K1 ) Mehrzweckflugboot 1932
Typ G ( E5K1 ) Schulflugzeug 1931
Typ H
Typ I
Typ J ( E7K ) Aufklärungsflugzeug 1933
Typ K ( Nakajima E4N2 ) Aufklärungsflugzeug 1932
Typ L ( Hiro H4H ) Mehrzweckflugboot 1933
Typ M
Typ N ( Yokosuka E6Y1 ) Aufklärungsflugzeug 1932
Typ O ( Yokosuka K1Y2 ) Schulflugzeug 1928
Typ P ( E8K1 ) Aufklärungsflugzeug 1933
Typ Q
Typ R
Typ S ( H6K / K. 23 ) Mehrzweckflugboot 1936
Typ T ( E10K1 ) Aufklärungsflugboot 1934
Typ U
Typ V
Typ W
Typ X
Typ Y
Typ Z
...a later K-system?

K. 10 ( E15K1 ) Aufklärungsflugzeug 19
K. 20 ( N1K "Kyofu" ) Jagdflugzeug 1942
K. 30 ( H8K2-L ) Transportflugboot 19
K. 40
K. 50
K. 60 ( H11K1-L ) Transportflugboot Projekt 1942
K. 70
K. 80
K. 90 ( J3K1 ) Schlachtflugzeug 194
K. 100 ( KX. 1 ) Kampfflugzeug Projekt 194
From an uknown source: Typ Q = H6K / Typ Q flying boat project ???

Servus Maveric
Type Q = flying boat project (1933)
Type R = flying boat project

From an uknown source

I spoke before about K-120 and K-200 here;

We can add for the list generally,

K-4B was a modified version of K-3
J6K single seat landplane fighter,project
17-shi land attack aircraft,project
KX-9 TB super heavy bomber,project
KR-1 research flying boat,project
KX-3 500-ton flying boat,project
20-shi long range fighter,project
8-shi large flying boat,project
Last edited:
I decided to gather and sort these Kawanishi designations. So far, there seems to have been at least five distinct internal Kawanishi aircraft designation systems between 1920 and 1945.

Kawanishi Kokuki KK - Internal Aircraft Designations

Back in 2009, Maveric speculated that there were two, distinct sequences of Kawanishi 'K' aircraft designations. I agree that this is the logical conclusion. The earlier numbered 'K' series - from 1920 to c.1928 - seems to have been eclipsed by lettered 'Type' designations. The earliest confirmed 'Type' designation is the Type E - the licensed-built Yokosuka K2Y1 of 1930. (More on Kawanishi 'Type' designation below.)

Where things get confusing is with the well-known H6K 'Mavis' This 1936 flying boat was first designated in both systems - as the Type S and as the K-23. That 1936 date confuses matters. It is late for the 'Type' system but that's not a problem. That K-23 makes things trickier. Maveric had included the K-23 in both the first and second 'K' designation sequences. In the first sequence, this leaves a big gap between the 1927 K-12 'Sakura' of 1927-28 and the K-23/H6K of almost a decade later. But that's life! Because the second Kawanishi 'K' series designations did not begin until 1939 (hence the removal of the K-20/N1K from my first ;K' series list). [1]

Once we excise the K-23 from the second 'K' series, we are left with a sequence made up of numbers which are multiples of 10 - ie: K-10, K-20, K-60, K-90, and K-100. [2] That leaves plenty of gaps but then, there are a vast numbers of Kawanishi projects and built types left unaccounted for in these sequences.

During WW2, Kawanishi also started using another internal designation system for projects - the 'KX' designation series. We known this sequence ran at least from KX-1 to KX-9 (but with plenty of 'gaps' in between). There was also an anomalous KR-1 research flying boat project - but I have no clue about that one!


[1] See: snark's IJN Service Airplane Development Program Designations
-- https://www.secretprojects.co.uk/th...plane-development-program-designations.28284/

[2] This excluded 'K-120' but 'K-200' fits the pattern (albeit with a huge gap being formed!).

Kawanishi Internal 'K' Aircraft Designations - 1st Series

K-1 -- 1920 single-engined biplane mail-carrier aircraft; x 1
- K-1: 2-bay; equal-span; open rear pilot's cockpit; J-TAAB
- K-1: 1 x 200 hp Hall-Scott L-6 inline 6-cyl.; span (??) m
-- * 1922, re-engined with 180 hp** Austro-Daimler 6-cyl.
-- ** Power rating is odd for an Austro-Daimler; '185 hp'?

K-2 -- 1921 single-seat, low-winged monoplane racer; x 1
- K-2: Wire- then strut-braced wings; fabric-covered wood
- K-2: 1 x 244 hp Hall-Scott L-6 inline 6-cyl.; span 9.67 m

K-3 -- 1921 fast commercial biplane derived from K-1; x 1
- K-3 : Single-bay, equal-span* wings; open rear cockpit
- K-3 : Rear pilot cockpit; side-by-side pax; span 10.03 m
- K-3 : Prototype; 1 x 305 hp Maybach Mb.IVa inline 6-cyl.
- K-3B: Airframe mods; 230 hp Benz Bz.IV; J-TEEG/J-COEG
-- * Albeit with the ailerons on the lower wings protruding
-- https://www.secretprojects.co.uk/threads/early-kawanishi-Typees.27563/#post-277229
-- https://www.secretprojects.co.uk/threads/early-kawanishi-Typees.27563/#post-277330

K-4 -- (??)
- K-4B: Modified K-3 (hesham)

K-5 -- 1922 mail-carrier/cargo/passenger transport biplane; x 1
- K-5 : Cabin side-by-side 4 x pax; forward open pilot's cockpit
- K-5 : 1 x 305 hp Maybach Mb.IVa inline 6-cyl.; span 18.70 m
- K-5 : Unequal-span wings* with partial Warren truss bracing
-- * Considerable dihedral on lower wings, none on the uppers
-- Completed Oct 1922; trials showed K-5 to be underpowered

K-6 - 1923 3-seat, passenger-carrying biplane floatplane; x 1
- K-6 : 2-bay biplane; finless underslung rudder, twin floats
- K-6 : 1 x 305 hp Maybach Mb.IVa inline 6-cyl.; span 13.60 m
- K-6 : Reduced-scale design with Mb.IVa to replace the K-5*
-- * No more powerful engine avail. to designer Eiji Sekiguchi
-- K-6 c/n 1 Prototype; J-TEOS; to Kawanishi's Nippon Koku KK
-- Orig. with open 2-seat pax cockpit; later enclosed canopy
-- K-6 c/n 601; Jan 1924 mod. for Around Japan Flight, J-BAEE
-- Named 'Harukaze' (Spring Wind) for Around Japan Flight
-- Later restored to passenger service; eclipsed by devel. of K-7

K-7 -- 1924 pax transport/air mail floatplane sequiplane; x 8*
- K-7 : Orig. for Nippon Koku KK pax-carrier but used for cargo
- K-7 : 1 x 260 hp Maybach Mb.IV inline 6-cyl.; span 12.00 m
-- * Some sources claim 1 x K-7; 9 x K-7A; + 1 x K-7B = x 11
- K-7A: 2+4 pax cabin floatplane for Nippon Koku KK; x 7
- K-7A: 2+4 cabin floatplane; c/n 1, 2, 702, 3, 5 (I), 5 (II), 6
-- 1925 K-7A c/n 5 (I) may have been K-6 airframe rebuild
-- 1927 K-7A c/n 5 (II) shared (I)'s J-CODE/J-BGAE regist'n
-- 1928 K-7A c/n 702 probably rebuilt 1925 c/n 2 airframe
- K-7B: As K-7A but able to accommodate floats or wheels
-- K-7B c/n 1 (J-COTU); Nippon Koku KK Nov 1925-Aug 1927
-- https://www.secretprojects.co.uk/threads/early-kawanishi-Typees.27563/#post-276636

K-8 -- 1926 long-range passenger transport/recce floatplane, x 7
- K-8 : Twin-float, parasol monoplane cabin a/c built in two forms
- K-8 : 1 x 305 hp Maybach Mb.IVa inline 6-cyl.; wing span varied
- K-8 : Original concept as airmail/pax-carrier for Nippon Koku KK
- K-8A: 1st prod'n model w/ deeper fuselage; span 17.60 m, x 5*
-- * Actually x 6; c/n 803 (J-BAJE) repl. destroyed c/n 3 (J-COMN)
- K-8B: 2nd prod'n model; slimmer fuselage; span 16.00 m; x 2**
-- ** c/n 6 (J-TUST/J-BDAE) 1928; c/n 7 (J-TUTU/J-BDAF) 1926***
-- *** Oddly c/n 7 reg. J-BEAE July 1928; later J-TUTU/J-BDAF (?)

K-9 -- (Project) 1925 high-winged cabin transport monoplane
- K-9: 2+6 pax; Sekiguchi drew from K-9 design for his K-12
- K-9 : 1 x 305 hp Maybach Mb.IVa inline 6-cyl.; span 18.00 m
-- Alternative engine considered was 400 hp Lorraine-Dietrich

K-10 Transport - 1926 passenger transport/air mail biplane; x 2*
- K-10 : Single-engined biplane by Eiji Sekiguchi; span 13.00 m
- K-10 : (As built) 1 x 400 hp Lorraine-Dietrich V8; 1+2 x pax
- K-10 : (As mod.) 1 x 260 hp Maybach M.IV 6-cyl.; 1+4 x pax
-- K-10 intended for use by Kawanishi's Nippon Koku KK airline
- K-10 : 2nd Prototype (as mod. 1st Prototype); c/n 2 J-CODF*
-- * Destroyed Feb 1927; repl. by new (rebuilt?) c/n 2 J-BCAE

K-11 - 1927 'Experimental Carrier Fighter' Prototypes, x 2
- K-11: Single-engined single-seat biplane naval fighter
- K-11: 1 x 500 hp BMW VI V12 engine; span 10.80 m
- K-11: Designed by Eiji Sekiguchi; no dihedral on wings
-- 2nd Prototype had mod. fuselage; IJN preferred A1N
-- 1 of 2 Prototypes reg. J-BAME for NKKK use; June 1927

K-12 - 1927 'Sakura' long-range record attempt a/c; x 2
- K-12: Potential Trans-Pacific high-wing cabin monoplane
- K-12: 1 x 500 hp BMW VI V12 engine; span 19.05 m
-- Inspired by the Ryan 'Spirit of St Louis' but bigger
-- Long-distance flight/K-12 project cancelled in Nov 1928
-- https://www.secretprojects.co.uk/threads/early-kawanishi-Typees.27563/#post-298999

K-13 to K-22

K-23 - 1936 Type S, later H6K 'Mavis' 4-engined parasol flying boat

Kawanishi Internal 'Type' Designations

Kawanishi Kokuki KK 'Type' designations were applied to unbuilt projects and built airframes (both Kawanishi designs and to licensed-built naval aircraft designed by other firms). The question of overlap between the two 'K' sequences and 'Type' series has been addressed above (noting that the H6K 'Mavis' was first designated as the Type S as well as the K-23 ... without providing any certainty whether the different designation systems overlapped in time).

Chronologically, that 1936 Type S of 1936 is the final confirmed Kawanishi 'Type' designation. Thus, the earlier Type T of 1934 may well be the last of the Kawanishi 'Type' designation letters. However, for completeness, I have included the 'Type Z' bomber project as a Kawanishi designation.

That 'Type Z' designation is actually highly dubious. Firstly, Type Z was a related programme name (otherwise referred to as Fugaku). Secondly, doubt has been cast upon this 6-engined heavy bomber design as having originated with Kawanishi at all.

-- https://www.secretprojects.co.uk/threads/kawanishi-kx-9-army-tb-super-heavy-bomber.6529/#post-177390


Kawanishi Internal Aircraft 'Type' Designations

Type A to Type D - (??)

Type E - 1930 Yokosuka K2Y1 basic training biplane (Avro 504 replacement)

Type F - 1932 H3K1 'Belle' 3-engined biplane IJN patrol flying boat

Type G - 1931 E5K1 shipboard twin-float recce biplane; licensed Yokosuka E5Y1; x 17
-- aka Kawanishi Navy Type 90-3 Reconnaissance Seaplane

Type H & Type I - (??)

Type J - 1933 E7K1 shipboard twin-float reconnaissance biplane; x 530*
-- aka Kawanishi Navy Type 94 Reconnaissance Seaplane
-- * E7K1 prototypes x 2; E7K1 x 183; E7K2 prototype x 1; E7K2 x 287**
-- + an additional 57 x E7K1 by E7K2 by Nippon Hikoki KK, at Tomioka

Type K - 1932 Nakajima E4N2 shipboard single-float recce biplane; x 67
-- aka Type 90-2; served alongside Kawanishi Type 90-3 / Type G / E5K1

Type L - 1933 Hiro H4H1; twin-engined, all-metal patrol flying boat; x 17 (1933-37)
-- NB: Kawanishi previously built sub-assemblies for Hiro H2H1 biplane flying boats

Type M - (??)

Type N - 1932 Yokosuka E6Y1 submarine-borne 2-seat recce biplane
-- Based on Yokosuka 2-Go protoype, an improved British Parnall Peto

Type O - 1928 Yokosuka K1Y2 basic seaplane trainer; x 48 (1928-1932)*
- Type O/K1Y2 was twin-float seaplane version of Yokosuka's K2Y1
-- * This quantity representing total Kawanishi K1Y2 production only

Type P - 1932 E8K1 shipboard single-float reconnaissance biplane; x 1
-- To 1933 8-shi design competition (won by the Nakajima E8N 'Dave')
-- aka Kawanishi Navy Experimental 8-Shi Reconnaissance Seaplane

Type Q - (Project) 1933 Kawanishi 3-engined IJN flying boat concept
- Type Q: IJN was unsatisfied with design; eclipsed by Type S/H6K1
- Type Q: Greg Goebel (AirVectors) says Type Q was 4--engined
-- https://www.airvectors.net/avh6kh8k.html

Type R - (Project) 1933 Kawanishi 4-engined IJN flying boat concept
- Type R: IJN was unsatisfied with design; eclipsed by Type S/H6K1
- Type R: Greg Goebel (AirVectors) says Type R was 3--engined
-- https://www.airvectors.net/avh6kh8k.html

Type S - 1936 K-23/H6K 'Mavis' 4-engined parasol monoplane flying boat

Type T - 1934 E10K1 tractor 3-seat recce flying boat biplane; x 1
- Type T: To 9-shi night recce competition (won by Aichi E10A1)
- Type T: 1 x 710 hp Nakajima Kotobuki 4-kai radial; span 11.00 m
-- aka Experimental 9-Shi Night Reconnaissance Seaplane
-- https://www.secretprojects.co.uk/th...aplane-type-94-transport-seaplane-e10k.27532/

Type U to Type Y - (??)

Type Z - (Project) 1945 6-engined heavy bomber (hesham)

For the presentation of the second series of Kawanishi 'K' designations, I have stuck to the 'multiples of 10' theory and eliminated 'missing' numbers not ending in zero.

Kawanishi Internal 'K' Aircraft Designations - 2nd Series

K-10 - 1941 E15K Shiun (Violet Cloud) recce floatplane; x 15
- Prototypes: Low-wing, 3-seat, ship-launched recce aircraft; x 6
-- Inward-retracting wing stabilizing floats; jettisonable main float
- Prototypes: 1 x 1,460 hp Mitsubishi MK4D Kasei 14;* span 14.00 m
-- * Driving contra-rotating propellers with 2 x 2-bladed propellers
- E15K1: 'Norm'; 1 x 1,850 hp Mitsubishi MK4S Kasei 24 14-cyl.
-- Fixed, single-strut stabilizing floats & jettisonable main float**
-- ** Main float jettisoning generally failed to function in action
-- https://www.secretprojects.co.uk/threads/ijn-specification-14-shi-kawanishi-e15k-shiun.23079/

K-20 - 1942 N1K1 Kyofu* single-float fighter; x 97
- K-20: To 1940 15-Shi Seaplane Fighter requirement
- K-20: (As planned) Semi-retractable wing stab. floats
- K-20: Prototype; Kasei 14 w/ contra-rotating props
- K-20: 1 x 1,460 hp Mitsubishi MK4C Kasei 14 14-cyl.
- K-20: Production N1K1; Kasei 13 with 3-bladed prop
- K-20: N1K1; 1 x 1,460 hp Mitsubishi MK4C Kasei 13
-- * Kyofu = 'Strong Wind', reporting name 'Rex'
-- https://www.secretprojects.co.uk/threads/kawanishi-n1k1-kyofu-15-shi-fighter-seaplane-k-20.21341/

K-30 - H8K2-L Seiku (Clear Sky) (Model 32) transport variant of H8K2

K-40 & K-50 (??)

K-60 - 1942 long-range transport flying boat; leads to KX-8/H11K1-L project*
-- Some sources claim that KX-8 didn't evolve from K-60 but are same thing

K-70 & K-80 - (??)

K-90 - land-based interceptor to 1942 17-shi-Otsu requirement
- K-90: aka J3K1 Shiden 31; 1 x Nakajima MK9B Homare
- K-90: Proposal rejected by IJN, led to re-engined J6K proposal
-- https://www.secretprojects.co.uk/threads/kawanishi-n1k-shiden-unbuilt-variants-and-derivatives.3494/

K-100 - (Project) 1943 16-Shi/17-Shi G4M bomber repl.; aka 'KX-1' [1]
- K-100: Mid-winged; 4 x crew all in nose; remote-control tail turret
- K-100: 2 x 2,300 hp Nakajima Mamori-kai radial;* span 21.60 m
-- * NK10A Mamori-kai was 18-cyl. devel. of 14-cyl. NK7A Mamori
-- Kaigun Koku Hombu judged K-100 unable to meet spec.,** abandoned
-- ** The competing Mitsubishi G7M1 Taizan suffered the same fate
-- https://www.secretprojects.co.uk/threads/kawanishi-17-shi-land-bomber-k-100.6530/

K-120 - (??) (hesham)

K-200 - (??) (hesham)


[1] Note: The K-100/KX-1 design was possibly assigned the IJN designation G9K.


Kawanishi Internal 'KR' Aircraft Designation

KR-1 - (Project) Research flying boat, no other details


Kawanishi Internal 'KX' Aircraft Designation Series

KX-1 - (Project) 1943 K-100 16-shi/17-shi G4M bomber replacement

KX-2 - (Project) 17-shi Interceptor Fighter (Ko); K-90 aka J3K1

KX-3 - (Project) 500 ton, 12-engined flying boat concept

KX-4 - KX-7

KX-8 - (Project) H11K1-L Soku heavy transport flying boat

KX-9 - (Project) TB 4-engined heavy bomber to 19-shi specification
- KX-9: Sub-stratospheric bomber; laminar-flow wings; low risk (no R&D)
- KX-9: 4 x 3,000 hp Mitsubishi Ha-50* 22-cylinder radials; span 32.40 m
-- * aka Mitsubishi A21, never built; some sources claim 2,100 hp 18 cyl.
-- Kawanishi/Tokyo Imperial University Aeronautical Research Institute co-design
-- https://www.secretprojects.co.uk/threads/kawanishi-kx-9-army-tb-super-heavy-bomber.6529/
Thanks hesham. I've made a few additions and changes - KX-3; KX-9/TB; K-60; K-120; and K-200.

Alas, for that Profilbaru 'List of Japanese aircraft' K-200 link, I just get a referral to a "Wikipedia does not have an article with this exact name" page. Fortunately, Pelzig had written a bit on the K-200 and other Kawanishi concepts:
-- https://www.secretprojects.co.uk/th...-500-ton-flying-boat.17775/page-2#post-174830

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