Kalibr Missile


ACCESS: Secret
6 October 2019
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Feeling a little surprised that this missile does not have its own thread, especially with the news today.

"It took the projectile just 137 seconds to travel over 250km to its intended target on the shore and obliterate it, Zvezda TV reported, publishing footage of the test fire. The Kalibr missile family can be used by a wide range of naval platforms, and made its debut in actual combat during Russia’s counter-terrorism campaign in Syria."

covering 250 kms in 137 seconds requires a speed like 1.8km/s so a hypersonic variant being tested?
Kaliber doesn't have a thread here because it's not an unbuilt project.
Feeling a little surprised that this missile does not have its own thread, especially with the news today.
covering 250 kms in 137 seconds requires a speed like 1.8km/s so a hypersonic variant being tested?
This is RT citing RuMoD official TV channel. Both are farm of journos with a brains of Drosophila melanogaster
Kaliber doesn't have a thread here because it's not an unbuilt project.

Title Section: Projects of missiles, bombs, guns, and other forms of weaponry, I read the rules of the post before posting as well. The kalibr missile is an ongoing project with different variants. Can the admin add a 3rd rule as well just in case there are other users that do the same thing

Before you create a new topic please

1) Search the forum and make sure there isn't a topic already.

2) Think about what you are posting. Try to post a sensible topic, like a specific missile, or manufacturer, or country. Try to make the title descriptive.
Title Section: Projects of missiles, bombs, guns, and other forms of weaponry
The forum has main áreas divided into sub areas. One of the main areas is "secret projects" which is divided into unbuilt projects ( either because still in development or cancelled). Those projects are aircraft, ships, land vehicles, missiles, etc.

Everything translated into hardware, basically that into operational status, should go into another main area and sub area ( aerospace, military, bar...) because falls out of the forum subject of study.

I hope this should help to clarify the criteria. Of course moderator team thanks any help and take in consideration any ideas for improvement of the basic rules

Feeling a little surprised that this missile does not have its own thread, especially with the news today.
covering 250 kms in 137 seconds requires a speed like 1.8km/s so a hypersonic variant being tested?
This is RT citing RuMoD official TV channel. Both are farm of journos with a brains of Drosophila melanogaster
Well, I would honestly rate RT quite a bit higher than that. At least part of it (varies greatly).
This is likely what just struck shy of the Polish border-yes? WAPO has the missiles released by planes in Russian airspace well out of no-fly proposals. Kalibr M's first use?
WAPO has the missiles released by planes in Russian airspace well out of no-fly proposals. Kalibr M's first use?
Kalibr is a family of shipborne cruise missiles that has nothing to do with the airborne cruise missiles like Kh-55/65/555 and Kh-101/102 used by Strategic Aviation branch of RuAF.
Yeah, Kalibr is shipboard or land based missile. It is even developed by different design bureau.

Kalibr was developed by NPO Novator while Kh-101,55 and practically almost all Russian air launched Cruise missiles were developed by Raduga.

and both types seems work so well, so far no report of crashes and only 1 "3P14" missile apparently being shotdown.
Hmm...wiki got it wrong again,..I read of variants
When it says Variants. It means different Land and Sea launched Variant.
Some Kalibr are smaller, does not have the booster for launch, different range etc
Oh and Kalibr are very much a sub-sonic cruise missile..
I tried to make a pedigree for Kalibr missile family. Umm this one does not include the 91RE1 and E2 variant which serves entirely different mission. and not meant to be chronological. But it shows the origin and how the development were split between Raduga and Novator.

Russian land attack missile family.png
A kind of quick estimate on Kalibr frontal RCS. 35 frequencies are assumed. Limited to frontal aspect. think it's enough.

2 Kinds of Kalibr models are assumed. One with fully RF transparent radome with Ceramic-composite (basically pyroceram) while another is a full PEC to assume bandpass radome which are opaque.

The model on left have the conventional radome, while on the right is one with bandpass. Inlet is also modeled as well as simple flat plate seeker antenna for the version with conventional RF transparent radome.


With a "mock" jet engine fan. The interaction of the model with radar frequencies can be viewed here :

Bandpass Radome :
View: https://twitter.com/Flankerchan/status/1569409776987275264

Conventional RF transparent :

View: https://twitter.com/Flankerchan/status/1569409812395626496

The medianized result :

The version with Bandpass radome or well probably a pure land attack version without radar seeker perfectly maintained about 0.13-0.14 sqm. While one with conventional RF transparent radome have rather large increase in X-band region. The reduction of the median RCS for higher frequency is related to the radome material i simulated and overall, simplicity of the seeker antenna being modeled.


On the subject on how the model behave, as can be seen taken for frequency of 10 GHz. for the model with transparent RF have relatively dominant return from seeker sidelobes and mainlobes. While one with bandpass return from the almost nonswept and small taper ratio wing showed up more clearly than the return from fuselage.

I'm curious if wing leading edge treatment can reduce it in the manner that make it almost "buried" with other part's RCS. The return from the Jet engine is unfortunately not very visible due to the limited aspect being modeled. I'm not sure however if it will even visible in typical engagement unless the missile somewhat already very close or sufficiently high.

Here i also included the RCS vs Frequency table for maybe if anyone interested in actually tries to calculate radar range.
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