Just Some Little Updates on This Site I Guess


ACCESS: Restricted
15 January 2013
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Lol I've been on this site for years yet barely made posts. However, now that I'm back on this just for a little bit I see it's note really as active as usual. Sure we still have a lot of topics and posts coming in, but nothing really too active. Also, haven't been to keen on the political biases going around here so I don't really know it as a problem. I'm planning on donating to this site as a gesture of thanks for putting such good information regarding military projects.

Glad to know this forum is still alive.
Thank you for your kind words,

and we really active hard,so many new subjects and topics opened per a year,and I
promise you to do my best and display a large quantity of unknown cencepts.
I hope to be here

My suggestion is that some groups better sorted,
Early Aircraft Projects - German
- Russian
- American

Postwar Aircraft Projects - German
- Russian
- American

.... in orientation, and to be a cleaner look,

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