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I don't know my dear Jemiab,but in the translation,they said;

   Fig.5.Four versions of the proposed Junkers «Gleitflieger»-a.So they had to look after the renovation.

        On all versions (not mentioned in the patent) is missing tail.

Figure 5 a.Above shows the actual «Gleitflieger» as described in the patent - without propulsion and c chassis.

Figure 5 b.In this embodiment, «Gleitflieger» with the power plant with two screws and pulling c chassis.For reconstruction has benefited from the description of the patent, made ​​by hand Junkers, sketches of a patent application and a similar model for wind tunnel tests.

Figure 5 c.Another option «Gleitflieger»-but with the power plant, in this case with a pusher propeller.

Figure 5 d.Like this must look option «Gleitflieger»-and the chassis, c two pulling and two pushing screws

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